Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Sooo I thought I didn't judge people and I've always felt good about how I treat other people BUT I said something that REALLY offended my friend and I couldn't figure out why it offended him so much. He was teasing me about hooking him up with one of my nieces but I told him I wanted her with someone strong in the church. He is overcoming all sorts of things that R pretty difficult all at once and I didn't think what I said was insensitive, BUT his reaction made me C just how insensitive it was.

He is one of the best friends I've made here in Cache Valley and I hate the thought that I made him feel bad at all.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Last night we had a VERY effective presenter who talked about sugar and bad eating habits. She was excellent!!! She had graphic examples of how sugar affects our health. Last night I committed to drinking water AND nothing else. She had a plastic representation of fat that was just gross.

It came at the perfect time for me to recommit myself to physical excellence.

There For Tomorrow is opening for Dido on Friday evening. I plan to B there and I hope I can drag a couple of friends to it 2. I paid a bill and rent 2day. I'm watching my money like a hawk right now. I want a savings and I want to eliminate my bills.
