My Random Blogging Therapy
I am grateful for so many things. I love my life and all the opportunities I have to grow although it does not feel amazing every second of the day, it really is incredible. I discovered there are MANY duplicates on the shelves. I am going to go through them as quickly as possible and rearrange things. It's like the DVDs all over again. Shelf space is being taken up by things I need to get rid of asap. There is going to be yet another huge DRMO delivery. While it felt overwhelming yesterday, I got a bunch done in just a couple hours so I know while it is a lot of work it is completely doable work.
I went to see the museum Curator again about displaying some of the large model planes in the library. YES I am definitely interested. He emailed me yesterday. They delivered one of our play mats there by mistake. Thankfully my name was on the package. Justin and I are going to chat.
I went to the temple this morning to work for the nice lady who worked for me when I went to ULA. I got a lady from the base Wells Fargo Bank to do story time for me. She said she had fun. I am very grateful for that. I bought her a Giradelli candy bar and I'm giving it to her tomorrow with a Thank You card. I feel like there hasn't been enough Marketing for our Kick-off event. Courtney and Eli seemed fine with it. I'm just used to doing MUCH more MARKETING for ANY event I have. I plan to invite EVERYONE I know.
The weather is perfect right now but it changes quickly which I don't like. I am very happy we got rid of a lot of books that need to go to DRMO or the military department that takes our unwanted furniture and/or other stuff. There are so many things I need to do. It is a little frustrating. I wish I had my other worker now. I am delegating work more which is good.
Aimee is going to be my alternate facility manager as well as my safety go-to girl. I hate all of these rules and regulations and I really appreciate my staff who are intelligent hard workers. By assigning this stuff out I am going to have time to order things and plan programming for everything.
I FINALLY set up Internet with Century Link. They will set it up Monday. I am so happy. FINALLY. I kept putting it off because I'm waiting for Google to offer their service but they still haven't done it yet. I am getting Netflix asap and using an HDMI cable to connect to my bigscreen TV that is just sitting there not being used. There were MORE DVDs I had to get rid of asap. I have many to watch now enough even that I need to buy one of those CD cases so I can throw away the DVD covers.
It was so nice to see my niece on Skype this past Sunday. She just got accepted to BYU-Idaho. She begins in the Fall and I want her to go there. She will love it.
I had a hard time leaving from work yesterday. There's just so much to be done and not enough time to do it all. I told my boss I planned to go to ULA even if he didn't pay for it. He said to send him the information and he'd see what he could do. I did and hadn't heard from him so I planned to pay for it but yesterday he emailed me and told me he'd pay for an institutional membership plus my conference fee. It is held in Layton this year which is awesome and rare. I am so stocked. It would've cost me about $240.00 and I was trying to tell him I should be paid for attending the conference. Now I get both without costing me any money.
I am ordering a hundred different books for the library. Our adult book contract ended in September so the sales guy gave each AF library 100 points to spend by tomorrow. They FINALLY as in yesterday got me into the system so I can order this stuff. I am up to 80 but I'm going crazy. It'll be done before tomorrow's deadline which is great although this hurry up and spend before you can't attitude is a little stressful. I know it seems silly to complain about having to spend money BUUUT I am spending a lot of hours doing this on a day I should be completing my Star Wars marathon.
My ward has fast Sunday next week but I need a little extra help right now with some things in my life so I'm fasting now.
I will be so excited to get my library technician. I am going to assign he or her all the stuff I don't want to do like safety, facility stuff, DEFINITELY our cash box and life of the fund folder. I still need to do the stuff like the annoying accounting things that include purchasing supplies, and a billion other things. Maybe I should try to get the slide presenter projector and/or ask Larry what they use in their classes. Our community meeting room would benefit from having something like that. With the conference table we're getting it's going to be very nice.
It is going to be a place we can hold meetings in that is attractive, comfortable and is just a good space. Once I get the model planes and decorate the children's and teen rooms the way I want people will be drawn here. I can't wait to get it all under control. I am so glad Luis agreed to do the Wheels of Wonder event I had forgotten about. The Children's Center and the Youth Center are jointly putting on this event they hold yearly. They asked us to participate and I said yes. I don't want to lose this chance to gain good publicity for the library.
Conference was amazing and just what I REALLY needed. I just watched it with my mother on her television. My favorite talk by far was Elder Bednar. He examined the sacrament and talked about how it is the spirit that refines, that cleanses and sanctifies us. It is by taking the sacrament and renewing our covenants with the sacrament ordinance that we can then be blessed with the constant companionship of the Holy Ghost. This constant cleansing is required if we are to retain a constant remission of our sins.
He explained it so clearly and in such detail. We are so blessed. I am so blessed. I leave to San Antonio Sunday morning. I am going to end up missing Puanani's farewell.
I am so grateful for so much. I love that there is always the chance to learn at my job. This does have more than its fair share of frustration however. I DEFINITELY don't get paid enough AND I will remedy that situation soon. I am glad I'm going to San Antonio. I need that break and I will start to compile questions for the "big" librarians and/or the ones that get paid well. I still can't believe training is so freaking long. One entire week out of town. One of the best things about this job is I'd like to do it part time and work real estate full time. I want to get it to be a well-run machine that I just need to check up on from time to time. That's not happening until all the books are cataloged however. I want it to meet my necessities but I want my real money to come from real estate AND I want time to teach my Zumba classes, prepare for these AND story time plus other programming I might work on.
I need to write a to do list and write down a plan to work on to get my Zumba certification and then teach at the Warrior Fitness Center. The facility is very nice and I can't wait to teach there. I need to begin practicing and make sure I am fit and can do everything extremely well. I know I need to work on my social life too. There's just nothing happening there. I know I shouldn't keep pushing that aside but I try to attend FHE each week along with other ward activities at least so I do feel I'm doing my part up to a point.
I need to monitor my diabetes. I made the mistake of reporting it when I got my license last now I will forever have to report that and get a doctor's approval to just keep a current license. The clinic I went to charged me over $300. I paid half and then I forgot about it but I need to pay for the rest Thursday. I really love Zumba. Our instructors are awesome. I'm NEVER giving up EMZ even when I do teach my own classes. I'd like to do a class M-F at the Warrior Fitness Center. I have to get my license signed by April 14th to maintain my license. I am going to get a primary care physician then asap or rather next week or maybe even this week because I can use my sick hours for those appointments. Maybe I'm too late for this week but anyway next week should be fine.
I didn't watch Women's conference. I had to work for one of my girls. I haaate working on Saturdays.
This morning near the Hill South Gate exit I realized I didn't have my CAC card on me sooo I got off then on I-15 and promptly made my way back home to search for my CAC card. I don't remember taking it in the house so I looked throughout my car and also my bedroom. I figured it was lost so I called Dale to see what I had to do. He reminded me to check the library which I did. I left the card in the reader on my computer.
I went to the West Gate since the South Gate is closed for the next 7 weeks. They told me I needed my Dr.'s license, proof of insurance and registration. My insurance card expired earlier this year and while I tried to retrieve it on my phone, I was unsuccessful. Instead I went to the library in Clearfield thinking I'd have to reset my password but I didn't. I printed the new card then returned to the West Gate where I entered and made my way to the library.
Once here Jose who purchases from our refresh money given to us recently informed me the table I wanted isn't an approved vendor despite being on Air Force Advantage. I went to the Accounting office 3 times yesterday just to buy paper for our printer. All the hoops I have to jump through just to do this well are constantly testing my patience. While it is nice to work for the Air Force there are so many things about this job I find frustrating. The first is how s...l...o... w............. EVERY DAMN THING IS TO COMPLETE. There is not just red tape, there are layers on layers of the stuff - think a gigantic onion of red tape.
Helen and Miranda who is on loan to us for a few weeks, began to be very negative with me. ENOUGH ALREADY!!! I snapped at Miranda and she and Helen came to my office to report how people were complaining ALL day today. Sometimes things happen. We need to learn to roll with the punches. Life is constantly changing and today was an unfortunate example of this.
I looove that General Conference is this weekend. It still arrives EXACTLY when I feel I need it most. At Dale's last staff meeting I asked Larry if he taught CPR and AED. HE DOES!!! He told me to just let him know when I needed to take these since they give CPR certification at least twice a day. I am going to get certified in Zumba and teach on base at the Warrior Fitness Center. I want to teach M-F at 11am. This will give me adequate cardio. Next I'll add my own weight training with my dumbbells at home and then I need to find someplace that'll work for skating. I probably should get knee pads, elbow pads and a helmet before I start that again.
I have let real estate slide so much but I need to get on that too. My brother and I need to start flipping homes and making some cheddar.
There are so many things going on and that I need to complete. I have to first hire a new library aid and then submit subscriptions and renew subscriptions. I know I'd like to get the Salt Lake Tribune and the Deseret News for sure. People often request that. I asked my girls what magazines I should get and one of them said a gossip magazine is popular. As much as I hate to admit it I know she's right so we should get it too.
MWR stands for Morale, Welfare and Recreation. We are part of that Trifecta as the library. We are also getting ADA-compliant doors and a new water fountain with a water bottle spout. Veeery nice!!! I also need to order a conference table, Easter eggs for story time next week and then also finalize my Zumba instructor. I will give Alisa first choice and then I'll ask Satomi if she wants to do it. I need to call Alisa and find out what she says.
The base Zumba instructor didn't work out hard enough I didn't even break a sweat. I certainly don't want her leading Zumba at my event.
I need to rent some more DVDs and hook up the internet so I can return to my Korean drama habit. I just read Dr. Hyman's book on eating healthily. I have improved my diet big time, am making a concerted effort and I didn't miss Zumba last week at all. Eating this way is the best I've found so far because I'm not exhausted for Zumba and I don't feel lightheaded at all. I'm not hungry either. Furhman's nutritarian diet was great in that I didn't feel hungry but I didn't have the energy for Zumba and I don't like that. I want to lose weight AND look great. I'm going to buy some Daisy perfume next. Time to do a little shopping. Sephora here I come.
I missed a meeting just because there was no one else to work at the library. We had our meeting with Mr. C who told me my email was aggressive and that we needed to work together. I asked him if I had a choice and expressed my concerns with how the planning of the kickoff event was handled. We are working together and Mr. C is handling the financing of the event. We are supposed to work TOGETHER, unfortunately I couldn't be at the meeting since it would mean leaving the library without anyone to man the desk. Sooo I will be looking at Share point and hoping everything is included in the notes the way they need to be included.
There are so many demands on my time and it is difficult for me to get things done the way they need to be done. I bought my craft stuff AGAIN. I don't know why they don't get that I'M SPENDING MY OWN MONEY ON CRAFT STUFF AND I SHOULDN'T DO THAT. The alternative is to have a crappy storytime which I'm not going to allow to happen.
I couldn't think of anything else for February so this is it. My boss is back from his TDY where he enjoyed himself. Air Force Libraries are rare from what he said. I told him how annoyed I was at Courtney and how she planned things without my knowledge, consent or permission. It was veeery annoying. He told me the meeting is to tell Courtney how it is and that I am welcome to make plans as I see fit and to talk to Joanne and let her know how I want Marketing to help and assist with that.
We were given 10 minutes to write our thoughts. This is what I wrote:
I will never aspire to failure
I will never award or recognize failure
I will however work on making adjustments faster when I need to do this
Failure is my catalyst and will not paralyze me
I refuse to give failure more time than is necessary for me to regroup, reassess, then move on
Recognizing failure may sometimes be part of my path to success BUT that will never make me seek it
I will not give it undue time - I will take and do what is necessary to get over failure
Failures will be to me as stepping stones not stumbling blocks
I have no problem taking risks. I do not need comfort in failure to propel me to take them.
I will share with my staff as appropriate mistakes I make to encourage them to share things allowing us to truly improve and progress.
This has been excellent so far. I am happy I decided to attend. I'll already met valuable state people who have provided me with their contact information. Networking truly is the most valuable thing to do in an existing career and not just in initially finding a job.
We've heard from former ALA president Maureen Sullivan. She is so accomplished, well-read and many of her ideas were awesome and I agree with them.
A doctor/administrator/instructor from the U spoke about a specific failure of a study.
Now we're hearing from a performance artist. His life is crazy. He's talking about how he did a tortilla reading - he did tarrot card reading for awhile. He called himself the Tortilla Oracle.
He made up stuff on the fly but he has met with people who have been affected by this.
Slow Dance 2009
lady in late 80s are you dancing with anyone? It's been 45 years since I've danced with someone. Success what he thought was a failure. Failures may have other fantastic aspects.
Of course last night was the night I decided to cut things for our craft because I didn't want them to have to be at the tables. I'm not sure what happened. I stayed up to 1:30 am cutting stars for our craft today and then we didn't have the turnout I expected. I hope everything is alright. 24 the first week, 39 the second and then this... 16 sucks ALTHOUGH I am happy with who actually did make it to Story time.
Tonight is ward sealings so I am leaving right at 6pm. I'm not working tomorrow since I'm going to attend a workshop put on by ULA. It is $10 to register for it so I'm not doing that until tomorrow. I think it's essential for me to take lunch so I am sure to read my scriptures each day. It has become easy to slack on something that developed into such a great habit for so many years. I am so grateful for my job. I feel like I can actually progress now.
Today I saw 10 beautiful chairs an office was getting rid of that were PERFECT for my meeting room. Getting Jose to help me has been such a pain that I don't even want to bother anymore. I can't wait to set up both of my rooms which are BEAUTIFUL!!! The lady who is supposed to help me schedule my TDY came over today so I was able to find out what I needed to do. I am excited to go to Texas although I am a little shocked their training is going to take an entire week.
It is about 45 minutes before I get out of here. I am grateful for so many blessings I have and continue to receive. I need to call my supervisor Sister Whiting. Just did!!! It looks like I'll be working the 7pm session tomorrow AND next week. I thought our ward temple night was tomorrow so I arranged to do the 7pm session but it is actually next week. I hope it doesn't mess things up.
It is nice just to be a patron sometimes which is what I'll do tonight at sealings. I like to see which of my ward members attend. Time for me to read a conference talk and then get out of here.
President's Day that is. I am working and have so much to do and not enough time to do everything. My volunteer just finished the last of the books I had to catalog. I am loading more books. Tomorrow I need to get chief Hiatt to come over here and move the shelves. I'm not working Thursday since I'm attending ULA's failure workshop.
Yeah maybe not. Chief Hiatt just lost his son Travis. I have no idea how old he is. Chief Hiatt, his wife and another son are those mourning his loss now. Time to Google. I hope he's alright. DEFINITELY NOOOT going to ask him to move any furniture any time in the near future.
The money-sucking beast is at it again. I changed my ignition switch that almost damaged my starter. Now I'm at Jiffy-Lube where I'm changing a tire rod so my Emissons and Safety can be done and my car can be legal. I'm watching that Korean drama in-between that time.
Story time was muuuch better now that the initial anxiety is gone. Entertaining toddlers is tougher than it looks buuut really not that difficult. We did our old standby head-shoulders-knees and toes. That's the part when participation is at its premium.
I complained to a couple of very nice volunteers who gave me fantastic ideas about simple crafts to do with the children. That part of the day was peachy.
Yesterday Courtney got on my last nerve. Marketing said they'd help with the Summer Reading Kick-off. Help, yes - plan without my approval and knowledge???!!! Oh HELL NO!!! The Airmen Leadership School has executed it for the past 2 years WITHOUT marketing's help AND it was completely the library's plan FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS!!! AS IT SHOULD BE. Courtney is the special events coordinator. NOOOT the person who plans events for the s Courtney not only held a meeting I wanted to scream at, she also chose a craft and arranged with the youth center to have their classes attend and do presentations. All of these things are good ideas HOWEVER none of these things were approved or even run by me until AFTER the fact. Today I asked her who told her to plan my event???!!! She couldn't really answer that satisfactorily. Instead she told me Mr. C wanted to meet with us. I don't see why we had to involve him especially when he was on vacation. I called her and told her he was on vacation but she said he was here. I told her Dale is going to Texas for him so NOOO he's not here. She insisted he was and sure I could be wrong but I don't think so.
We have a meeting scheduled with him for the 23rd. An entire week before we settle this.
I had 24 children and I think 7 moms. We read Raymond Biggs The Snowman, sang once there was a Snowman, Snowman, Snowman, once there was a snowman tall, tall, tall - In the sun he melted, melted, melted in the sun he melted small, small, small.
I found a picture online from the book appropriate for coloring, cutting and then gluing on a piece of paper. I never thought I'd be doing Story time EVER although I am glad for the experience and it will make me more versatile.
I am sure however I will not dedicate my librarianship to Children. Administration is where I belong.
I just met a sweet girl from Hawaii. She had the light of Christ in her eyes. I am definitely sharing the gospel with her when I see her again. She is here for a DAU class and she meets near the Starbucks and/or West gate. I love that she had the spirit and that I can recognize it in her. I'm going to catalog a few books then put things away. I want the guys to move my shelves so I can set them up then go and get the glass shelves. They are not moving on them the way I want them to do that.
So I held my first story time with my 0-3-year-olds. It went well ALTHOUGH it is difficult to tell for sure with that age. What was nice is the moms attend too so they also pitch in and help.
I noticed they wanted people to apply for Salt Lake City Board member positions. I sooo wanted to do that so I applied for the library board. I know I'm perfect for that position. Not only do they not have a Polynesian there I am ideal because I work at Hill AFB. There is no conflict of interest as a result.
I noticed Helen's message when I rose this morning after 8am. She had a sick baby and couldn't come in today. It was snowing pretty steadily but it has finally stopped. I turned on the curb I couldn't see since it was covered in snow when I got here at 10:05. Luckily no one had come to the library yet. My first patrons arrived when I was trying to figure out how to get my car off the curb.
Since I couldn't figure it out, I asked my first patron to help me push my car. He helped and this guy jumped out of his car to help. He was invaluable and helped me free my car in under 5 minutes. I am grateful for their help. It hasn't been very busy. I can't believe how many patrons I've had already. The computers are very popular.
Now I finished work at 4:30pm but I'm going to sit here and watch the rest of this episode of a Korean Drama -Young Pal.
I just saw my old room mate Elspeth. She lives here at Hill and has 3 adorable children. I remember when she was dating her husband Dan. She has lived in Texas and was briefly in Hawaii. Dan is a doctor. I only know that because she said he was in the hospital in Hawaii. When I told her I hoped everything was alright she told me he was a doctor which explains why he was in the hospital.
Her daughters are adorable. She was my room mate when I lived right by the U.
I just renewed my license which consisted of answering a series of questions and paying a $42.00 fee.
That gives me more time. I want the library to have everything cataloged and for me to have gone through EVERYTHING and thrown out what needs to be tossed. I also want to know how to do my job extremely well before I divide my time in Real Estate. I want to pay off my Orthodontist bill, my tax bills and then these new doctor bills I just made. Bills, bills, bills time to sing Destiny Child's song. in my mind of course, not aloud to everyone at the library.
I feel better because I know how to catalog and there is a mountain of cataloging to be done. We can do it ourselves IF ALL the girls work on it 24-7 for a little while. It is not as daunting as it once seemed. We need to clean out the storage room, get those books labeled, cataloged and on the shelves AND I also need to learn how to order materials AND figure out what my budget is.
Wednesday or any day I work by myself is all about helping patrons and cataloging in-between that time. There must me a commander's call at the theater because ALL my library spaces are taken AND I had to park by the bank. It is almost 12:30 and they are still there. I thought the cars would be gone by now. No such luck.
I just read about Pres. Bednar's recent address to students at BYU-Idaho. It included a warning appropriate to me.
I am glad I let the Sun in here but it is shinning veeery brightly right into my face. Maybe I can get some blinds for the children's room because the Sun is streaming in and it is too much. Now it is 5:50 which means the library closes in 10 minutes which I am veeery happy about. I am thinking we should shred our patron records at the end of the day. I'll get our volunteer Brian to shred these we have sitting in this cabinet on the side of our circulation computers. There is absolutely no need to store this PII.
I will be done soon!!!
Chief Michael Warner came for a tour of the library renovation. He is the Commander based in Ohio over all the Material Command or rather he is the assistant to the lady over everything. The library falls under Material Command. Larry came over to help with the tour as Dale is out sick. I hope he's alright. Chief Hiatt came over along with Chief Gaither. Chief Hiatt said hello and I hugged him. Weird!!! I am such an idiot. I sooo spent too much time as a Lei Greeter and dancer at PCC. The Poly thing came out and he isn't even Poly. I apologized and I felt so stupid. He was nice enough to shrug it off but I'm sure he was thinking what is wrong with this girl.
Larry gave the tour since I don't really know the source of the renovations. Chief Hiatt wanted me to talk more and I will in the future. Helen came in earlier. She was such a big help. Now I have a bunch of books to return to their shelves along with books I am cataloging. We sooo have enough time to do that. I wonder how long Dale will be out sick. It is really calm right now in the library. I am happy.
I wore a dress today. I only do that when we have visitors or I have to work in the temple later. I have another free Thursday since they are either cleaning or renovating the temple. It is beautiful outside. NICE!!! I will get home early today. I need my payroll computer to be alright and the accompanying printer to work.
It was slow enough at lunchtime that I was able to eat all my lunch in the back without interruption AND wash my container. I bought a glass container from the Asian store. It has a plastic cover. Things taste better in glass. I am happy with it. I also brought blueberries, raspberries and I still have strawberries I bought almost a week ago now. I also have eclairs in the fridge from that man who just brings them all the time.
I am here by myself until closing in a couple hours. I am going to work a little after hours today. There is so much... ok not really! to put away.
Busy but manageable day at the library!!! I can't wait for it to be over however since I HAVEN'T HAD A BREAK!!! I kept thinking I'd run to the dollar store to buy a hot pad for my toaster oven but it's not like I can leave the library while it's open. No one is here now but, AGAIN - it's not like I can leave. I brought my toaster oven to work. Dale told me it was a safety hazzard and they wouldn't let me have it here so I need to take it back home. He said the microwave is different which is why it is fine instead.
Yesterday I didn't do anything except watch DVDs. I watched an entire season of Extant. I was alright but a little irritated because they actually changed what they aired on television and it became a completely different story-line. I checked it out in the first place so I could catch up with what I missed.
FHE last night was small group meetings and because my last name starts with an -M it was at Katie's house. She has 2 room mates. Funny when I last lived in my own apartment I didn't want ANY room mates and my next room mate will be my husband. Spencer was there since his last name begins with an -M. I enjoyed hearing his thoughts although I didn't talk to him by myself.
It was an unusually slow day at the temple yesterday that I needed. Payroll was sooo annoying. We use floppy disks and when I complained to the person over the NAF financial department he shares my feeling but the people over him who are out-of-state decided at the last-minute NOOOT to change it. For some reason our printer won't print the sheets our payroll lady needs. It is sooo stupid.
I feel like I am in the 80s using a non-windows-based program. I am at Harmon's where I am using their internet. I just looked up David's LinkedIn profile. He hasn't graduated yet. I hope he is well.
I need to line up my broker already. I still feel best about Keller Williams in Midvale. I want William Bustos but I still haven't heard anything from him at all. I never did speak directly to him which annoys the hell out of me. His buyer agent told me she'd forward the information to him but if she did I don't know anything about it. I just looked at January. It is a long weekend with Martin Luther King Day this Monday, a federal holiday meaning I don't work again until Tuesday. Mmmm... long weekends are the best.
I'm grateful for my job which I love. However I need to do everything I need to do to secure my broker. I think the Keller Williams affiliated with William Bustos is how this is going to happen. I also need to write out and send Thank you notes to everyone who attended and made the Library Grand Opening the success it was.
I'm hungry so I'm going to get something to eat and try to figure this out.
My feet are killing me. These shoes are usually fine during the week when I wear them with pants but then with this dress they are killing me. The grand opening was nice and non-threatening. Just the way I like it. I am sooo glad it's done. The library looks amazing. I spilled punch and Latasha from Marketing helped to clean it up quickly. I feel like sleeping now buuut tomorrow is another day and begins with an 8am meeting.
Colonel Jolly didn't make it as he was detained by his boss who I am assuming is visiting. We did wait for him for over 20 minutes. I need to send Thank you notes to all the amazing people who helped.
I ate a couple cookies, some sunflower seeds and I'm going to heat some meatballs or chicken tenders I actually got from the dollar store along with some frozen veggies. Only 2 more hours left of work.
So a PA can be your primary care physician. I don't mind if Daniel is my primary care physician... HOWEVER since the medical center is an urgent care facility I'm not too sure about how much more they could be charging me. He said I was being charged the primary care physician rate.
What I don't like is that Daniel like all doctors and medical care professionals wants to throw medication at my health problems instead of having me make significant diet and exercise changes that I know I am completely capable of doing.
He didn't know AND it is much easier than finding a primary care physician from scratch. He prescribed THREE, YES THREE medications for me for high blood pressure, diabetes AND thyroid problems. It should stimulate my metabolism which would be a good thing. I need to call to find out for sure that he faxed my DMV form yesterday.
Tomorrow is the grand opening and I was concerned about the small conference room but I managed to get it in the shape it needs to be in to be good for tomorrow. The library looks fabulous and I am happy with the changes I made AND everyone else seems to be happy with them too.
One of the marketing girls told me how she can print pretty much anything from a collection of pictures with old artists without having to get the copyright. YEAH!!! I am COMPLETELY taking advantage of that opportunity. I can't remember what she said it was called or I'd be there now planning what I'm going to have them print first.
I am sooo happy Dale trusted me enough to decorate as I see fit. I am sooo grateful for this opportunity and it is going to look amazing. He is lucky I love decorating AND that I'm confident in my writing AND speaking. I am actually happy to be the narrator. I just don't want to screw up anyone's name pronunciation.
When I went shopping for my niece I found a cute black and white Chevron dress I am wearing tomorrow. Thursday is our ward temple night. Why did they change it to Thursday? It used to be on Tuesdays. Now I may see everyone there tomorrow. I suppose that's a good thing.
I get to get super-healthy and Zumba-obsessed again BUUUT that's alright because I do love it and eternal progression is fun and my goal anyway. Fitness is just part of it. I'd love to teach Zumba here on base. First things first.
The library looks amazing and everything is falling into place which I like very much. I neglected our conference room however and tomorrow is the last day for me to get it the way I want it to be so I am gathering stuff I have to make it look amazing. I hung most of my pictures in the staff room which is about how I want it to be. There is more to do however and I have my doctor's follow-up appointment.
Spencer was in my Sunday school class looking beautiful and then Uai came in looking beautiful too. How nice to have beautiful boys in my ward!!!
I am going to be so relieved when this Opening is finished. I am working like a dog tomorrow to get it looking the way I want it to look. I wish I could've made my follow-up appointment another day but that is not to be.
I woke up and did everything slower today. I made some musubi AND boiled water before I left home. Today Jose is supposed to come and take away things. He REALLY needs to do that and I am so grateful he is coming. I got through all the new files. Now we just need to make things look great for our opening. Getting rid of those things is the first start.
I really love my job. I got ahold of William Bustos late last night and I am ready to begin working under him as my broker. I didn't think he hired or took agents without real estate experience but the person I spoke to last night said he did. Rebecca Turpin is her name. Time to Google 411 on her too. I want a blue rug for my library. I am going to begin looking online although it is probably too late to get it quickly.
Today Dale and Larry came and moved a lot of the things I wanted moved. It is looking better and better and I can't wait for this to all come together. Tomorrow I am going to do what I can to make the staff area nice. I am glad I came in now. A renovation is just perfect. I am eating lunch now. I am going to make the schedule for the rest of January and then of course February.
We have our microwave and then I am also getting that toaster oven from my mother. Putting everything together is going to take some time but it'll be alright. Time to go back out there!
Yesterday I talked to my boss about what money I have left to budget until the end of October. Payroll is NOOOT going to last that long by continuing to work ALL the hours each of us wants. I get to figure out exactly how that's going to work. I need to do real estate now anyway. This IS what I want and working part time is how I reconciled making 16.75 an hour as the Library Director BECAUSE I was going to work part time. I have been putting in full time hours however recently just to get caught up with my bills. That surprise $220.00 key bill was sooo not appreciated. At least I have a spare now that I found the key when the snow melted.
I need to call Keller Williams in Midvale and put everything in motion to be an active license holder with them AND get their training too. My license expires next month unless I do something. This really was the perfect job for me. I will work 25-30 hours a week AND do my real estate training too. It can be done I just want to get the library into shape physically.
Uai wouldn't sign my paperwork when I FINALLY got ahold of him Sunday after playing phone tag with him the day before. I guess he likes his license or something. However he did help me make an appointment at a clinic he used to work at in Layton.
Spencer was looking great Sunday HOWEVER after talking to my cousin Lulu who made me think about my Poly roots a lot, Uai threw me for a loop. Arranging all that stuff with him AND spending time talking to him that one day made me appreciate his qualities. He isn't fine, definitely not gorgeous or pretty BUT like Spencer he is charismatic, extremely intelligent, has a nice smile AND is a leader. He took Spencer's place when he was released as Elder's Quorum president.
I know Uai's sister, mother and many of his first cousins are my cousins too. His mother is a Tuaone which is a big family. After living in Logan I was sure I wouldn't marry someone Poly. It is why I'm attending the Mid singles ward. I have tried specifically not to get to know Uai better. I purposely kept him at a distance but although my relationship with Spencer was finally where I wanted it to be, I need to get to know Uai better first now. I don't like him yet but I'm going to quit just eliminating him because he doesn't fit my recent ideas or plans.
I really like that he's a PA. The highest paying Master degree is very legit. Spencer is a software engineer who creates games for a living. Not too shabby either. Uai may not want to get to know me better but I need to at least be normal with him and not avoid him for nothing.
No I'm not nervous I just want everything to be as clean and organized as I want before or when it happens on the 13th. I need to get with someone to go over what has to be included to satisfy protocol. I am excited and I can't wait actually. I just wish I could get this damn medical form filled out so I can focus completely on the opening - this is the month I need to sign up with a broker too. I think Keller Williams in Midvale is it if they'll take me with my limited schedule. My license expires next month so I don't have a choice.
I keep calling that Tongan PA in my ward to see if he can complete my medical form for me. I don't want him to do anything illegal or anything it is just that my last medical visit was in Logan with my doctor there under the insurance through Stevens-Henager College. I don't want to have to travel to Logan just to get this filled out and the clinics are all closed on Saturdays. I will probably have to do this on Monday. I didn't want to take Metformin after I read things about it. I wanted to change my diet and exercise... WHICH I DID.
UNTIL I was depressed about my state of unemployment and watched marathon television series. When my bishop suggested I join the accelerated job search I wasn't really ready. I didn't want to do anything actually. AJS was the best thing I did however and led to me figuring out I had a record. It wasn't until that was cleared that I got my job at Hill AFB. I never would've agreed to that pay if I had been at the start of my job search. It was because I was desperate that I took it. At the same time I am very grateful for it. I love being over the entire library and I intend to do whatever it takes to make it successful.
Employee behavior has surprised me in not a good way. I like my girls for the most part. I dislike that I found that stash of files AFTER I cleaned out a great deal of them already. I have been thinking about improvements I'm going to make so it is truly clean and functional. There is much to do and I'm sooo starting Monday. If I can't get Uai to fill out my Driver's license paperwork I'm not sure what to do next.
Alright I do know it just sucks. I just need to find a new primary care physician to sign my papers that it's alright for me to drive despite my diabetic condition. I don't intend to take metformin EVER again. I just plan to work out again. It worked before. It'll work again.
Spencer was looking nice at our New Year's Eve dance. I wonder if Cara told him I like his characteristics because before I kept trying to talk to him but he'd blow me off. Now he tells me if he thinks I look nice. I like his spirit and he is hysterical too, brilliant and I think his family has a history in the church which I love. He is a cutie although I wouldn't call him fine or pretty. I'm glad he attended. There was another cutie I went out of my way to ask to dance with me.
He turned out to be Spencer's old room mate. What are the chances? He is tall and fine and way too thin. Spencer is way too thin too but I don't think he's as tall as his room mate. I saw Lulu there too. She is here for the holidays and leaves tomorrow back to Hawaii. I saw my Spanish realtor friend Carlos and Cara my RS president. I had fun.
I have all these ideas running through my head about organizing and getting rid of things at the library. I have a rash and papercuts on my hands which I don't like from going through sooo many old files and paperwork.