My Random Blogging Therapy
I couldn't think of anything else for February so this is it. My boss is back from his TDY where he enjoyed himself. Air Force Libraries are rare from what he said. I told him how annoyed I was at Courtney and how she planned things without my knowledge, consent or permission. It was veeery annoying. He told me the meeting is to tell Courtney how it is and that I am welcome to make plans as I see fit and to talk to Joanne and let her know how I want Marketing to help and assist with that.
We were given 10 minutes to write our thoughts. This is what I wrote:
I will never aspire to failure
I will never award or recognize failure
I will however work on making adjustments faster when I need to do this
Failure is my catalyst and will not paralyze me
I refuse to give failure more time than is necessary for me to regroup, reassess, then move on
Recognizing failure may sometimes be part of my path to success BUT that will never make me seek it
I will not give it undue time - I will take and do what is necessary to get over failure
Failures will be to me as stepping stones not stumbling blocks
I have no problem taking risks. I do not need comfort in failure to propel me to take them.
I will share with my staff as appropriate mistakes I make to encourage them to share things allowing us to truly improve and progress.
This has been excellent so far. I am happy I decided to attend. I'll already met valuable state people who have provided me with their contact information. Networking truly is the most valuable thing to do in an existing career and not just in initially finding a job.
We've heard from former ALA president Maureen Sullivan. She is so accomplished, well-read and many of her ideas were awesome and I agree with them.
A doctor/administrator/instructor from the U spoke about a specific failure of a study.
Now we're hearing from a performance artist. His life is crazy. He's talking about how he did a tortilla reading - he did tarrot card reading for awhile. He called himself the Tortilla Oracle.
He made up stuff on the fly but he has met with people who have been affected by this.
Slow Dance 2009
lady in late 80s are you dancing with anyone? It's been 45 years since I've danced with someone. Success what he thought was a failure. Failures may have other fantastic aspects.
Of course last night was the night I decided to cut things for our craft because I didn't want them to have to be at the tables. I'm not sure what happened. I stayed up to 1:30 am cutting stars for our craft today and then we didn't have the turnout I expected. I hope everything is alright. 24 the first week, 39 the second and then this... 16 sucks ALTHOUGH I am happy with who actually did make it to Story time.
Tonight is ward sealings so I am leaving right at 6pm. I'm not working tomorrow since I'm going to attend a workshop put on by ULA. It is $10 to register for it so I'm not doing that until tomorrow. I think it's essential for me to take lunch so I am sure to read my scriptures each day. It has become easy to slack on something that developed into such a great habit for so many years. I am so grateful for my job. I feel like I can actually progress now.
Today I saw 10 beautiful chairs an office was getting rid of that were PERFECT for my meeting room. Getting Jose to help me has been such a pain that I don't even want to bother anymore. I can't wait to set up both of my rooms which are BEAUTIFUL!!! The lady who is supposed to help me schedule my TDY came over today so I was able to find out what I needed to do. I am excited to go to Texas although I am a little shocked their training is going to take an entire week.
It is about 45 minutes before I get out of here. I am grateful for so many blessings I have and continue to receive. I need to call my supervisor Sister Whiting. Just did!!! It looks like I'll be working the 7pm session tomorrow AND next week. I thought our ward temple night was tomorrow so I arranged to do the 7pm session but it is actually next week. I hope it doesn't mess things up.
It is nice just to be a patron sometimes which is what I'll do tonight at sealings. I like to see which of my ward members attend. Time for me to read a conference talk and then get out of here.
President's Day that is. I am working and have so much to do and not enough time to do everything. My volunteer just finished the last of the books I had to catalog. I am loading more books. Tomorrow I need to get chief Hiatt to come over here and move the shelves. I'm not working Thursday since I'm attending ULA's failure workshop.
Yeah maybe not. Chief Hiatt just lost his son Travis. I have no idea how old he is. Chief Hiatt, his wife and another son are those mourning his loss now. Time to Google. I hope he's alright. DEFINITELY NOOOT going to ask him to move any furniture any time in the near future.
The money-sucking beast is at it again. I changed my ignition switch that almost damaged my starter. Now I'm at Jiffy-Lube where I'm changing a tire rod so my Emissons and Safety can be done and my car can be legal. I'm watching that Korean drama in-between that time.
Story time was muuuch better now that the initial anxiety is gone. Entertaining toddlers is tougher than it looks buuut really not that difficult. We did our old standby head-shoulders-knees and toes. That's the part when participation is at its premium.
I complained to a couple of very nice volunteers who gave me fantastic ideas about simple crafts to do with the children. That part of the day was peachy.
Yesterday Courtney got on my last nerve. Marketing said they'd help with the Summer Reading Kick-off. Help, yes - plan without my approval and knowledge???!!! Oh HELL NO!!! The Airmen Leadership School has executed it for the past 2 years WITHOUT marketing's help AND it was completely the library's plan FOR THE LAST TWO YEARS!!! AS IT SHOULD BE. Courtney is the special events coordinator. NOOOT the person who plans events for the s Courtney not only held a meeting I wanted to scream at, she also chose a craft and arranged with the youth center to have their classes attend and do presentations. All of these things are good ideas HOWEVER none of these things were approved or even run by me until AFTER the fact. Today I asked her who told her to plan my event???!!! She couldn't really answer that satisfactorily. Instead she told me Mr. C wanted to meet with us. I don't see why we had to involve him especially when he was on vacation. I called her and told her he was on vacation but she said he was here. I told her Dale is going to Texas for him so NOOO he's not here. She insisted he was and sure I could be wrong but I don't think so.
We have a meeting scheduled with him for the 23rd. An entire week before we settle this.
I had 24 children and I think 7 moms. We read Raymond Biggs The Snowman, sang once there was a Snowman, Snowman, Snowman, once there was a snowman tall, tall, tall - In the sun he melted, melted, melted in the sun he melted small, small, small.
I found a picture online from the book appropriate for coloring, cutting and then gluing on a piece of paper. I never thought I'd be doing Story time EVER although I am glad for the experience and it will make me more versatile.
I am sure however I will not dedicate my librarianship to Children. Administration is where I belong.
I just met a sweet girl from Hawaii. She had the light of Christ in her eyes. I am definitely sharing the gospel with her when I see her again. She is here for a DAU class and she meets near the Starbucks and/or West gate. I love that she had the spirit and that I can recognize it in her. I'm going to catalog a few books then put things away. I want the guys to move my shelves so I can set them up then go and get the glass shelves. They are not moving on them the way I want them to do that.
So I held my first story time with my 0-3-year-olds. It went well ALTHOUGH it is difficult to tell for sure with that age. What was nice is the moms attend too so they also pitch in and help.