Saturday, January 2, 2010

Sooo grateful and sooo blessed for sooo much! After graduating in May of 2008 I thought I'd have my full time librarian job making enough money by now to refinance my school loan into my 1st house loan BUT thanks to a hiring freeze with the County, NOOOO... now I've been out of school for over a year and a half AND I STILL have the SAME job I landed while I was STILL in school. Now I knew I'd have to pay my dues... BUT come on now!!!

My last interview with the county was for a 20-hour youth services librarian position-we had 80 applicants and at least one I know of from out-of-state. My interview went well and the manager told me how well I interviewed but that other applicants had more experience-yeah that's ALWAYS going to B true for awhile. Sub experience is great and I am so grateful for it but right now I'm sick of watching EVERY penny. I'm sooo NOOOT KIDDING about that. One $3500 car repair is all it took to throw my finances to hell. My brother told me uh U need to work a 40-hour job like "normal" people. Yeah he's right! I just thought I could handle waiting until my librarian job showed up since my car's paid off and I don't pay rent with my mother. My mother decided she's had enough of the snow and she's planning on leaving back to Hawaii. She wants me to go BUT NOOO!!! Sooo it'll B back to the real world where rent is a monthly occurence. Fine usually and I could do it provided I had no surprise repair bills from Hell.

Now it's time for me to work full time somewhere and SUPPLEMENT with librarian subbing instead of making it my main source of income. Tithing settlement helped me realize how crappy my annual earnings were and I'm just not willing to do that anymore plus with my mother leaving I need to pay rent again and I have no choice!!! I wonder what I'll be doing. I still want my Salt Lake City entertainment blog but I do need money NOW!


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