Friday, August 20, 2010

Living in Logan

YES!!! I'm starting to like it here. I FINALLY got some more great-so-far restaurant recommendations-a silly thing to B concerned about at all but I feel A LOT better!!! Monday I meet with people at the Herald Journal to discuss the details of my internship. I'm WAAAY excited about that! I LOOOVE writing and I can't wait to do something there. Work is great!!!

My bishop is a sweetheart. He introduced my friend and I to these guys in our ward as secretaries. I was sooo annoyed. Like I'd really move from Salt Lake City to B a secretary. It also annoyed me Bcause of the whole dumb native thing-when I was first worked as a librarian substitute with the Salt Lake County people ALWAYS assumed I was a shelver when I had never been to that library B4. Now enough people know I'm more than capable. I guess I'm overly-sensitive BUT it never ceases to get the hell on my nerves to have to CONSTANTLY prove myself to people Bcause their initial reaction to me is that I couldn't possibly B capable of more than menial tasks because I'm not white. I know my bishop truly had the best intentions as do everyone I meet here. I just wish I didn't have to keep PROVING myself again and again. There really R nice genuine people here. I didn't get that feeling at work but then I was hired solely for my credentials and inexperience that allowed them to get someone with an MLS at a starting librarian's rate. Something I also noticed was when my friend mentioned to the bishopric that she worked at Stevens-Henager College 2 of them assumed she taught there. Her friend also went of of her way to tell me she was working on her master's degree in Speech Pathology. I just asked for her major. I could have told her I finished my master's degree in library science 2 years ago but what the L would be the point? I didn't say anything and I'm sure she thought I was awed by her intelligence-which is super but uh NOOO!!!

I need to cleave to humility Bcause I certainly don't think I'm better than anyone because I've had the chance to finish school. I'm VERRRY grateful for that-I should B married with children now working my way to eternity but I'm NOT!!! Education will make me a better wife and mother-that ONLY in combination with my testimony and the blessing it was for me to serve a mission which is Y I came to really know my Savior. It's not necessary to serve a mission to do this-if it was the Lord would require EVERY woman to do so-BUT it was life-changing to me. If everyone knew how much a mission CAN improve them-NO ONE would even consider not going.


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