Thursday, April 30, 2015

Zumba 411

Uinisaati who is my cousin Saia's cousin from Ha'akame told me stuff this morning at Zumba that got me so mad. She told me how it was so sad that Saia had to go through what he did. I was confused. Huh??? Then she told me you seriously don't know and then she told me Saia's wife had been having an affair with some Tongan guy for over a year. How the hell does that happen? I love my cousin so much. He is so amazing. Even when he was young he'd fast once a week, "For personal spiritual growth." He was a bishop in his Tongan ward in Australia. They haven't lived in Utah very long.

A lot of things are beginning to make sense and that is so sad to me. They have two children. Their daughter is in the sixth grade and their son turns 16 soon if he hasn't already. I actually talked to Lua for a little while because I don't know her very well. I wanted to get to know her better. I had no idea all of this stuff went down. Lua told me they are attending a white ward now. I thought that was a little strange but it makes sense now. Of course Saia doesn't want to attend the ward where his wife probably met her boyfriend or fling or whatever I should call him. Lua also said Saia wants to move to Seattle. Why would he want to leave when his two brothers and their families live here. If I were him I'd want to move away too.

When Saia found out he took his wife to her relatives. When my uncle Tai was in town for my uncle Kingi's funeral he told Saia to go and get his wife and work it out. I hope his children are alright and that everything goes well for them. I hope they are able to resolve their differences. I feel like kicking her. How could she have treated Saia like this. Sisi instead of Saia spoke at Kingi's funeral. I thought that was strange too.

What makes me really upset is Saia is an awesome leader. How he is going to recover from this and be the same happy fun person he always has been is difficult to imagine. I don't know what she was thinking. Your spouse can truly affect your life like no one else.

I think I am over my Steve infatuation. He is so great to me spiritually and in almost every way. He has been asking a lot of questions on his facebook page about gay marriage and the Supreme Court and how influential they are. I know he was an MPA major AND he works in local government now. Maybe he's just thinking about these issues now. I'd think he'd already considered these. I like Darcy because she is real to me BUUUT I'm not too impressed with many of his friends who just seem intent on impressing people with their knowledge although I think a lot of that is crap. They have very strong opinions although I also acknowledge I too have strong opinions. I just feel like they are all like-minded a little in the extreme.


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