Thursday, October 1, 2015

AJS day 3

I am so grateful for this program. Today we listened to a presentation from someone who went through the AJS journey. I forgot his name but he was a disgruntled attorney who wanted something else. The program helped him do what he really wanted to do which was begin a non-profit for kids suffering from cancer. He wrote a heroes book featuring children who battled cancer and has been on the view to discuss his organization. He was also on local news stations for the same thing.

He said he is happy and in his dream job. How many people can say that and mean it? Not me. Of course any job would be an improvement for me. I have an interview for a part time customer service position with an insurance company. The owner is LDS employment services assistant director's stake president and she told me to feel free to use her name. She said she felt resistance when people suggested the University of Utah and Canyons school district to me - YES I don't want to be an academic librarian. I also applied for the assistant director job at Salt Lake Community College.

I saw the Sandy art contest at the library and then I spoke to the Director of the Saratoga Springs library. I am excited to be its volunteer Event Specialist. She wants to hold art classes for kids. I FINALLY talked to Cameron today. We are meeting tomorrow because he needs to choose a piece for the Sandy library art show. I love art and marketing it. I should've been an art history major. It just never seemed good for anything. I want to explore my art museum aspect of my degree. I did several major projects on art anyway. He is going to try teaching an art class for me too at the Saratoga Springs Library.

I feel more energized and excited about possibilities now. I need to hone and practice my power statements as well as add another one. That's the one thing this experience has given me thus far. I am FINALLY done with the mortgage cards Johnathan gave me to complete and mail. I still need to gather addresses names and telephone numbers of 7 more people for Jonathan and invite them to this customer appreciation Halloween-type activity.

The insurance position I interview for Monday sounds marvelous AND it is part time. It pays enough for me to pay these real estate fees and hurry and develop that. I love that I found the Saratoga Springs library. The insurance position is part time to start and it is time for me to explore other areas. I haven't even applied in California yet. I reread Oaks' Good, Better, Best talk. Sister Peterson killed me with the spirit yesterday.


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