My Random Blogging Therapy
So I go to church and I'm sitting in Relief Society and the new person I am supposed to visit is Carline. I do see her good qualities, I've just ran into her less-than-stellar ones too many times. I DON'T want to hang out with her. Heavenly Father must truly have a sense of humor. First I spend time with her at Curtis' house then I am going to have to purposely make plans with her despite dodging her MANY attempts to spend time with me.
We had a bishop's fireside tonight and bishop wanted us to share the scriptural insights we had with 1 Nephi. I shared the trial Nephi faced having to kill Laban. Instead he talked about how the Jewish law and cultural norms made killing someone justified legally and he cited Dallin Oaks talk to support that. I was annoyed that he dismissed what was so significant to me although I'm sure he didn't do it on purpose.
Curtis made great brownies they served in Linger Longer with ice-cream. Jenn - YES that one!!! smelled the brownies by putting one right under her nose. I told her she needed to stop that and that she needed to eat the one she smelled. Curtis is still veeery fine AND nice. I'm glad I went out of my way to talk to him in the first place. He is my friend now and I'm not going to be here long enough for anything else.
He said he can improve the curb appeal of his house. I think the curb appeal is sweet now. I don't like his interior decorating. Maybe because it is one of my passions. He had a couch with a matching love seat. I haaate that!!! NEVER have matching sets in the living room or even the bedrooms. It doesn't display design sense AT ALL. I'd rather see a sofa and a chair in a complementary but NOOOT identical print. Any furniture displayed like it came straight from a furniture store is NOOOT good. I didn't like the picture near his dining room either. I like combining original eclectic items. The cookie cutter look is a cheap look. I looove the style of New York condos. The decorating is always tasteful and unique.
Jared is sich a damn diehard. I completely ignore him but he still tries to be around me when he can OR maybe he doesn't give a damn anymore but that doesn't mean I'm saying 2 words to him even if he does sit right in back of me. Porter was also there and ANY attention either. I am sooo NOOOT interested in either. I am sooo glad I could talk to and hang with Curtis and Holly.
Jenn never got why I was so adamant she eat that brownie and that she quit sniffing stuff she didn't plan to eat. I'm sure I made her feel bad but that was not my intention BUT it is awful no one taught her NOT to do that. She does mean well like Carline does. How the hell does this keep happening. Maybe I attract psychotic people like Curtis. Does that mean I'm psychotic too???!!! I tried to be nice to her when I saw her again. She was parked right next to my car. So I talked to her for a few minutes. She was with this girl Candace who visited Hawaii with her choir when she was in high school. She started to sing me a Hawaiian song. She was very nice BUUUT once again she is someone who REALLY wants to be my friend and spend time with me. Nice BUUUT yeah I'm not really a girlfriend type of girl.
I do want to hang with Curtis and I like his talent and abilities. My first real estate goal is to sell a whole hell of a lot BUUUT once I conquer that I'm going to flip homes. He did it to a first house he bought in 5 years. The whole key to making money flipping houses is to do it quickly like in less than a month if possible, then sell quickly. That's why I want to excel at selling first. I don't think Curtis flipped his house to make money however. He did it for himself because he enjoys it. I love interior decorating.
By the time I flip homes I hope he's available to work for me too on the side. Whatever, with the time I have left here in Logan I'm going to get to know him better as a friend. Even if I was staying here I'd do that too. I need to get to know someone A LOT better before anything more happens IF anything ever does.
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