Tuesday, August 11, 2015

George was asleep by the time I decided to call him. My mother told me to check if Trax and the bus go near where I want to go tonight for that survey I signed up for. They will feed me dinner AND give me $50.00 for answering a survey so I had to try.

I am at Harmons using the internet now. Ben from Sirsidynix wrote back since the hiring manager is out of the office until next Tuesday. That is nice. I don't have to worry about that so actually I can go and watch a movie and use my megaplex card I still have. Actually I have about $8 left on it now. Today is Tuesday. I also have my computer AND my DVDs with me I began watching last night.

I am going to apply for a couple jobs and then spend my time until I need to head until to West Jordan. I can get movie theatre food cheaper today. I could just spend it on food ORRR I think $3 is enough for popcorn today if I want to actually see a movie. If I had walked it before and realized how close it is it would've been better. I just need to find an outlet and then I can watch whatever I want here. If I really need food I can go to the gateway and buy stuff with my movie gift card.

I could go home and work out then have to get ready again. No thank you. Hmmm... It is sounding like I should go to Megaplex, buy some snacks then go to the library, charge my computer and watch whatever I can of this Korean Soap Opera I started again last night. I can also pick up another K-drama at the City Library. This is my own drama I've seen many times before. I just wanted to see one part again and I was sucked in to it. The movie I wanted to see - Vacation - is rated R.  I'd like to see the Man uncle or something like that but it isn't showing until later this month. Who knew I'd use my gift card on snacks when I really need it like NOW when I have NO MONEY COMING IN.

I am going to do that since my mother gave me $6 to take Trax to West Jordan tonight. I am excited to be paid $50.00 AND served dinner although their idea of dinner may just be pizza.

What is so stupid is my expenses have never been lower in my life. I could meet them now with the first job I ever had when I was 14 dancing in the canoe show. I only had my learner's permit then. Wow!!! I really am blessed. It is just hard to recognize those blessings in times like now when I could really use the money. I don't want to drive as long as I don't have insurance. The one time I got in an accident and it wasn't my fault but I had let my insurance lapse. That was pure hell and it was sooo not worth it even when it wasn't my fault at all.

I will NEVER drive anywhere without insurance again. I really don't mind public transportation and I think Trax is glorious. I want to take it to work because it saves a lot of money. Time for me to go get some snacks at the Gateway Megaplex before I go to the library and watch my K-drama. I brought 2 DVDs which is 6 hours total. I will be just fine.


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