Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Fuze Interview

I survived the video interview. People gave me deathly silence during my presentation portion and I felt much of the interview was stiff but whatever. I'm really happy I survived that. I'm not sure how this next portion will play out. There are 2 more interviews after this if I make it that far. I did my interview here at Harmon's which is quiet earlier during the day but was noisy when I just did this so not a good thing. The manager is a black female, always a good thing for me since they tend to like me since I look black. I also look Indian and Mexican or any ethnic race really but I think she'll enjoy having someone else who is a minority there with her and on her team.

She was the most outgoing person there. I sure hope I make it to the next step. It involves 2 in-person interviews I would love. I can't believe I'm here right now. I need to take these videos back to the library and check out some more. My mother's television in the front room started smoking but it is 7 years old. She turned off all services so now all I can watch are DVDs on this thing. It's not even 1pm yet. I sure hope I get that County Public Services position I want to work 20 hours at West Valley in addition to working this job with SirsiDynix. I hope I said enough and did enough in this video interview but I like in-person experiences much more. I get a better sense of how I performed in these type of environments too.

I also called an after-school program at some charter school that is looking for someone. It is minimal hours which I want if I'm going to work in some field I'm not really interested in being a part of. I need to figure out public transportation there but I'm not real worried. This will take care of my minimal bills or my car insurance and gas. If this works I won't have to change my temple shift and I will need a sub probably another week but not much longer than that.


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