Wednesday, January 21, 2015

1 Nephi 21

This is a beautiful Isaiah chapter. The entire thing should be read aloud it is so pretty. I love it when the entire chapter is poetry. I appreciate good writing. I didn't watch the SOTU address last night. I should have forced myself. I am afraid I'm shallow in certain things.

I love that I've changed my eating habits and am going to Zumba every Monday through Friday. I want to add weights and another Zumba sesh each day and then on Saturday too. It feels great and I need to give myself the chance to lose weight and become healthier. I was looking at Sinai's EMZ pictures and she has people who have been attending over 5 years. I don't want to be like the people George told me about that attend Zumba regularly but haven't lost any weight.

I need to change or what the hell am I doing this for? I feel so much better. I feel marvelous. This could be why I haven't found a job yet, Heavenly Father is letting me get healthier, lose weight and eliminate my diabetes.

I don't know if it is wrong but I want to get a job and have a handle on my finances before I start dating anyone. I want to be well in reach of my physical goals too. I have so many opportunities. I am so blessed.


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