Monday, January 26, 2015

Mom needs a chill pill

My mother is driving me crazy. She keeps telling me it is my fault I got injured and that I am irresponsible for going to Zumba. I am diabetic I NEED TO WORK OUT. I love Zumba and my injury is a freak occurrence she seems to blame on my Zumba instructor just because she offers it for free. NOOO that's not why and it could have and would have happened anywhere. She is telling me if a job calls for me to begin I can't start now. I'm not an idiot. When I broke my tibia the same thing happened which affected my mobility.

It is sooo tough trying to reason with her because is convinced and not open to hearing anyone but the sound of her own voice. She also blames me for not being employed yet. I told her several times that I prayed about where I should be AND I prayed about it a lot. Especially when I lived in Logan and had to keep hearing people tell their stories of how they just knew Heavenly Father wanted them someplace specifically. When I prayed about that I felt and I still feel Heavenly Father is alright with wherever I want to live. It even says something about that in my patriarchal blessing. BUUUT NOOO she insists my answer is from Satan and that Heavenly Father would never answer a prayer that way BUUUT he did and that is exactly what he told me and if she thinks any amount of trying to convince me I'm wrong will change that she is sooo wrong.

She is blaming this injury on me and it is hard enough to remain positive when something like this happens. I am REALLY upset and I can't do anything about it because I can't get away from her right now. I don't know how she became sooo stupid and mean. She is my mother. She is supposed to be my biggest support NOOOT make me feel like crap.


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