My Random Blogging Therapy
Damn!!! So freaking annoying!!! Last night George came over and brought the dim sum pot I forgot at his house when we went to say goodbye to Nata. I was ready to attend my institute class but I didn't go because I rarely see my brother. I gave him my Dr. Furhman book and he committed to follow it for a week. His website is filled with encouraging testimonials. Just learning about eliminating sugar, red meat, dairy, eggs and processed foods seems difficult but it hasn't been tough.
Steel cut oats are filling as are the beans and I am supposed to eat a cup of beans a day. They are very satisfying. The vegetables haven't been a problem either.
During a fun Zumba song this morning I felt a pop and now I can't put weight on my left leg. At a minimum I can't use my leg for 5 days. Perfect for someone who doesn't have a job yet. My instructor training is scheduled for the beginning of March. I may just have to reschedule AGAIN!!!
I think I'm getting my mother to cook like I eat too. This is very good because it means I have more choices to eat too.
I can't believe I pulled my calf muscle. I can hobble but it is very awkward and I'm not going anywhere until it's healed.
I don't know how long this is going to take.
The more I keep reading the more worried about this I am.
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