Monday, August 20, 2012

Meeting Maslow

I had a much-needed sleeping weekend. I did nothing but sleep, clean, and cook. Skimping on my sleep consistently is NOT the business because it left me functioning significantly below my capability. I did not grow spiritually AT ALL. Spirituality is a higher-functioning state. I didn't work out for a week. It's alright to recuperate BUT staying up late didn't help one bit AND instead of catching up the next night it kept getting compounded. There's so much more I could've accomplished. I did baptisms for the dead last Wednesday but I felt kind of like the walking dead and my zombie bruise on my arm didn't help. There's a line left of it BUT it isn't so bad anymore that I feel like I need to wear long sleeves. The body is very resilient.

So my goal for this week is to get to bed at least by midnight. I forced myself to sleep last night as soon as it hit. I got up at 6am, out of bed at 6:30 and out the door at 7:40. This is how I plan to do this only tomorrow AND every morning I will Zumba. I'm going to weight train tonight. FHE is a movie outside. David doesn't know what the movie is yet. We're combining with a lot of other groups which can be fun BUT-I don't have any blankets I want to use on the grass, I also don't own a lawn chair. Sooo I could buy something NOOO!!! BUT it isn't until 8pm tonight so I think I'm going to miss FHE again. As much as I enjoy seeing David, I'm not going to buy something just so I can sit on something for a couple hours outside. Summer is coming to a close and I don't expect to need something like that until next summer. 


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