Tuesday, August 14, 2012


Boring title but I'm not feeling particularly creative today. My muscles have finally stopped being sore and my arm doesn't bother me until I lean on it or rest it on the arm rest things. I never realized how much I actually lean on it until it got all bruised. Now I'm notified whenever it touches anything.

My VTs are coming over today. At lunchtime I'm going to try to replace my lightbulb in my upstairs bathroom. I'm going to use Dale's ladder. Hopefully it works.

I messaged David on Facebook to see if he would do it when my VTs are there in case I can't. I hope I can reach it. I miss having my family around. I haaate feeling like an imposition all the time. When my family helps me they do it because they want to help me and I don't feel like I have to do anything to make it up to them. I am so grateful to David for helping me with my tire and although he didn't treat me differently, I still felt like I needed to do something for him.

It's tough trying to be an appropriate friend to David. When we first met I wanted to get to know him better and I wanted to be his friend and while I don't want to change that dynamic, I also don't want to get hurt. He blew me off when I tried to share songs with him I thought he'd enjoy playing so I'm not going to discuss music with him anymore. He didn't attend my party although people who I don't know as well did attend. I tried to give him the space he seemed to want but then he wanted to know what was going on in my life. I planned to have a nice conversation with him last night but he never showed up. I'm sure fhe went longer than he thought it would or he just forgot the pan but it was his idea to return it last night.


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