Friday, March 20, 2015


It was fun to meet with everyone in Logan this morning. I can definitely do the drive a lot easier now. The first few times drained me completely. Our meeting went well and I went to Macey's and got some Aggie ice-cream, girl scout cookies and Cadbury mini eggs. I had some Burger King coupons so I bought 2 Whopper JR's and 2 fries for 3.99. I ate that on the drive to Logan and practiced my initiatory ceremony. In the car on a long drive is ideal for that, private and conducive to that plus driving.

I got home at 6pm exhausted. I heated up some of the kalua pork I have that I seasoned with shoyu and syrup. I bought buns at the store too so I made 2 and ate them as I turned the television and then my computer on. Steve posted an invite to everyone at Tucci's before they went to clean the temple. I saw it 20 mins. before 7pm when they were meeting. I considered going anyway but I'd probably get sick if I ate anything else and I'm not in the mood for any type of food right now even looking at it doesn't sound attractive to me. He is so sweet. If I didn't eat ALL day I would have gone plus I was feeling a little dead after that long drive. I feel better now but they are all cleaning the temple right now.

I still think he is all about the group date BUUUT I'm not going to keep letting him get away with that. All the flirting I've been doing and he STILL hasn't asked me out. If I got the vibe he wasn't interested that would be one thing but he's not giving me that at all.

Ila's wedding is next weekend. Tongan weddings are more than just one event. Friday is his sealing in the afternoon at the Oquirrh Mountain Temple in South Jordan. He has a dance that evening and the reception is the next evening. I need a date. I am sick of people harassing me about when I'm getting married or why I'm so picky. I don't want to see all the people from my old stake and my old Tongan YSA ward. I want a Steve buffer and I want to take him to these things as my date because if I have to spend time with someone I want it to be him BUUUT I don't want to ask him out first. I wonder how he'd handle an LDS Tongan wedding. Ila is marrying the youngest sibling of the Jets so the entertainment should be fabulous at the reception Saturday night. I was Ila's mentor when he was 9 years old. I can't miss his wedding even if I have to go alone I have to go and take a billion pictures, paste a smile on my face when I see and talk to everyone I know who will have the same old questions. I don't even have a job yet.

I am not looking forward to this at all although I am so happy for Ila and I need to share this day with him. He is like a son to me. Whether I get a date or not is irrelevant. I am going to go and take the ridiculous amount of pictures his wedding deserves from me AND paste that smile on my face despite the people I encounter many of whom I love, I need to remember that most people are sensitive and appropriate. It is just the few who aren't who tick me off.


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