Monday, October 27, 2014

Carving pumpkins, fhe

I carved and cleaned my own pumpkin tonight. It felt great. Some sweet guy came over and helped me. This other group at our table were talking about this medical stuff. I asked if they were medical people. They ALL were. The guy Benson is a resident at the hospital they work at together. From what they said I think he's a brain surgeon. He is alright, tall dark hair. Not gorgeous but not ugly either. He was so sweet. I told him I'm unemployed and he was very kind and asked the appropriate questions. He owns his own house in the Avenues. He doesn't dress well BUT he is intelligent and kind. I told him I'd do real estate if I didn't get a library job I wanted first.

My favorite part about meeting Benson was when I started to help people clean and YES I actually folded a couple of chairs DESPITE how I feel about that, and he grabbed them from me and said to let him take care of that. YES there are white guys like that!!! Hallelujah!!! There's a first for everything. MAJOR POINTS for that move!!!


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