My Random Blogging Therapy
I went 5 minutes before the Zumbathon was SUPPOSED to start. The reception lady told me the instructor would be there at 6:30. UHHH the damn flier said 6, what the hell!!! Yes I am dressed like batman so I sit there thinking I'll wait and I return a phone call then look at the time which tells me I have 20 minutes left. I DON'T THINK SO!!! It is a good cause but this IS NOT HOW YOU PUT ON AN EVENT. I THROW EVENTS AND THIS IS SOOO UNPROFESSIONAL AND RIDICULOUS. I think when they visited our class they said 7. It was only AFTER looking at their flier earlier today that I realized it was (NOT!!!) actually at 6pm. I even posted in EMZ when 2 women confirmed it was at 6. I looked at one of the women's Facebook page and it clearly stated 6pm. It is going to take a lot before I ever drive there again.
I hope they make a lot of money through this event although I refuse to be one of them. It is unacceptable to me and I don't deal with this AT ALL. I'm just going to ignore this. I don't want to talk bad about anyone although I would like to rip them right now. It does however give me an idea of what they are all about.
They seriously think it's cool to waste someone's time like that? Time is valuable. When EMZ instructor are late it's not a big deal to me because they are providing a service FOR FREE!!! When someone invites you somewhere and then even publicizes it, U better damn well be there EVEN if you actually begin 1/2 an hour later. My time is valuable and when people waste it I don't deal well with that at all.
I saw this article on Facebook about Type 1 diabetes. It made me think about Curtis so I sent the Link to him. Anne Rice shared it on her page and I really doubt he's an Anne Rice fan. I hope he doesn't freak out. He is gorgeous and sweet BUUUT I'm not trying to make him feel obligated or anything. He never answered the message I first sent him about taking him to lunch and that is fine. We don't need to do anything together and I certainly don't need to message him. Maybe I should have thought about that first. Maybe it just irritated him BUUUT I can't do anything about it now.
My job-hunt is frustrating me to no end. I am so qualified it is ridiculous BUUUT NO ONE has called me so I can even start real estate with a little part time job. OK so 2 people did but I really didn't want to do either of those jobs. The Better Business Bureau wanted me to be on the phone all day. They paid 50,000 but it is sooo NOOOT what the hell I went to school for. The other part time job began at 7am and I'm not giving up my 5:30am Zumba. Now that I'm clear about what I want I can do the church's accelerated job search. I'm also going to visit with the ward employment specialist. The BBB manager told me I was charming although I didn't want to join them. It was very nice to hear BUUUT so much for that. I AM NOT BUILDING A CAREER IN ANYTHING ELSE BESIDES A SUITABLE LIBRARY POSITION OR REAL ESTATE. It is so frustrating.
I meet with my new bishop Sunday but the executive secretary said I couldn't have a temple interview until my records get there. I haaate that I can't just go and do a session. I am hungry now. I need to steam some of my potstickers.
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