Thursday, December 19, 2013


This morning as I turned into work I turned right into all this snow that the snow plows had pushed.  My car was stuck but luckily there was this guy with some sort of riding snow pusher thing that helped me out. He shoveled away snow and pushed away snow then hooked me up to his machine thing. I'm so grateful for his help. He is white too. That is exactly how some Poly boy would act. I walked to work to get a shovel to help him but by the time I got back there he had already finished. When I got here the receptionist and exactly 1 student are here. I asked her who was here and she said no one.

I am so grateful for my covered parking. It snowed A LOT last night. I can't believe I lived here for 3 years without covered parking. I'm really spoiled. I drive a few blocks to work. I have some cute jackets I need to work to fit again. My red jacket still looks new and it is perfect for very snowy days like today. Yesterday I called to see if I could get a substitute for the 28th. The third person I asked agreed to do it. I was very lucky. I called Sis. Keisker and gave her the information. She said I'll be working in the baptistry again this Saturday. I like it there because it is always busy although I do miss initiatories. I can go tomorrow depending on how I feel.

I'll be in Salt Lake City for a week. I work Monday but then I hope the roads are clear so I am alright to drive to Salt Lake and I can leave early that day because the students won't be in then. We are off Tuesday and Wednesday but work on Thursday. I'm taking vacation Thursday and then I never work Friday. I'm also taking vacation on the 30th. I'll drive back early to Logan on New Year's Eve Tuesday morning. I'll miss church and the temple BUUUT then I'll have my test passed for the new year! Merry Christmas to me. I'd like to be done with that when I search for a broker.

2 Nephi 4

 15 And upon athese I bwrite the things of my soul, and many of the scriptures which are engraven upon the plates of brass. For my soul cdelighteth in the scriptures, and my heart dpondereththem, and writeth them for the elearning and the profit of my children.
 16 Behold, my asoul delighteth in the things of the Lord; and mybheart pondereth continually upon the things which I have seen and heard.
 17 Nevertheless, notwithstanding the great agoodness of the Lord, in showing me his great and marvelous works, my heart exclaimeth: O bwretched man that I am! Yea, my heartcsorroweth because of my flesh; my soul grieveth because of mine iniquities.
 18 I am encompassed about, because of the temptations and the sins which do so easily abeset me.
 19 And when I desire to rejoice, my heart groaneth because of my sins; nevertheless, I know in whom I have atrusted.
 20 My God hath been my asupport; he hath led me through mine bafflictions in the wilderness; and he hath preserved me upon the waters of the great deep.
 21 He hath filled me with his alove, even unto the bconsuming of my flesh.
 22 He hath confounded mine aenemies, unto the causing of them to quake before me.
 23 Behold, he hath heard my cry by day, and he hath given meaknowledge by bvisions in the night-time.
 24 And by day have I waxed bold in mighty aprayer before him; yea, my voice have I sent up on high; and angels came down and ministered unto me.
 25 And upon the wings of his Spirit hath my body been acarried away upon exceedingly high mountains. And mine eyes have beheld great things, yea, even too great for man; therefore I was bidden that I should not write them.
 26 O then, if I have seen so great things, if the Lord in his condescension unto the children of men hath avisited men in so much bmercycwhy should my dheart weep and my soul linger in the valley of sorrow, and my flesh waste away, and my strength slacken, because of mine afflictions?
 27 And why should I ayield to sin, because of my flesh? Yea, why should I give way to btemptations, that the evil one have place in my heart to destroy my cpeace and afflict my soul? Why am Idangry because of mine enemy?
 28 Awake, my soul! No longer adroop in sin. Rejoice, O my heart, and give place no more for the benemy of my soul.
 29 Do not aanger again because of mine enemies. Do not slacken my strength because of mine afflictions.
 30 Rejoice, O my aheart, and cry unto the Lord, and say: O Lord, I will praise thee forever; yea, my soul will rejoice in thee, my God, and the brock of my salvation.
 31 O Lord, wilt thou aredeem my soul? Wilt thou deliver me out of the hands of mine enemies? Wilt thou make me that I may shake at the appearance of bsin?
 32 May the gates of hell be shut continually before me, because that my aheart is broken and my spirit is contrite! O Lord, wilt thou not shut the gates of thy righteousness before me, that I may bwalk in the path of the low valley, that I may be strict in the plain road!
 33 O Lord, wilt thou encircle me around in the robe of thyarighteousness! O Lord, wilt thou make a way for mine escape before mine benemies! Wilt thou make my path straight before me! Wilt thou not place a stumbling block in my way—but that thou wouldst clear my way before me, and hedge not up my way, but the ways of mine enemy.
 34 O Lord, I have atrusted in thee, and I will btrust in thee forever. I will not put my ctrust in the arm of flesh; for I know that cursed is he that putteth his dtrust in the arm of flesh. Yea, cursed is he that putteth his trust in man or maketh flesh his arm.
 35 Yea, I know that God will give aliberally to him that asketh. Yea, my God will give me, if I bask cnot amiss; therefore I will lift up my voice unto thee; yea, I will cry unto thee, my God, thedrock of my erighteousness. Behold, my voice shall forever ascend up unto thee, my rock and mine everlasting God. Amen.
The Windows of Heaven - David A. Bednar
I promise that as you and I observe and keep the law of tithing, indeed the windows of heaven will be opened and spiritual and temporal blessings will be poured out such that there shall not be room enough to receive them (see Malachi 3:10). We also will remember the Lord’s declaration:
“For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord.
I testify that as we are spiritually attentive and observant, we will be blessed with eyes that see more clearly, ears that hear more consistently, and hearts that understand more fully the significance and subtlety of His ways, His thoughts, and His blessings in our lives.
First, the Church lives within its means and does not spend more than it receives. Second, a portion of the annual income is set aside as a reserve for contingencies and unanticipated needs. For decades the Church has taught its membership the principle of setting aside additional food, fuel, and money to take care of emergencies that might arise. The Church as an institution simply follows the same principles that are taught repeatedly to the members.
The honest payment of tithing is much more than a duty; it is an important step in the process of personal sanctification. 
Zumba happened this morning thanks to sleeping at a reasonable time. I'm going to try to skate in my kitchen and incorporate weight training after work today. Incorporating Yoli is going to be easy. Tomorrow I need to take a blood test. I have to take it after I get up or after fasting 8 hours. They don't open until 8am. That sucks because I want to eat at 7am. If I can fast once a month on fast Sunday however this is a piece of cake. I usually don't eat in the morning before the temple and I didn't last week but I'd like to take something with me and try this Saturday. I the doctor is pleased with how my blood sugar has dropped since I was diagnosed. 
I remember my aunt Sandy had to cut off one of her toes because of her diabetes. She was morbidly obese for as long as I've known her. She was my dad's brother's wife. While my dad made me go to his sister's house for Thanksgiving, going to her house later was always nice since she could cook and she was white so I wasn't subjected to Tongan food which I enjoy ONCE in awhile. When I went to the Y I visited my relatives homes during the holidays. 


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