Saturday, December 14, 2013

Day at the Baptistry

Today was a day at the baptistry. That place is busy. One of the ladies kept trying to "train" me BUUUT she completely sucked and I had to correct her 3x with the patrons. She kept messing up what clothes needed to be given to patrons. Trish Pence from my ward came in by herself to do baptisms. I wonder if she isn't endowed yet. That is neat if she isn't and instead she comes to do baptisms for personal strength although she should probably get her endowment since she's at least 31.

Mosiah 28

Now they were desirous that salvation should be declared to every creature, for they could not bear that any human soulshould perish; yea, even the very thoughts that any soul should endure endless torment did cause them to quake and tremble.
 And thus did the Spirit of the Lord work upon them, for they were the very vilest of sinners. And the Lord saw fit in his infinitemercy to spare them; nevertheless they suffered much anguish of soul because of their iniquities, suffering much and fearing that they should be cast off forever.
I'm prepared for my state exam FINALLY. Now to work on the national. Just taking the practice tests is the best way for me to study for those. I'll just do it a bunch for both before Monday when I get to sit the class tests AGAIN and miss FHE AGAIN. AT LEAST I'll be done Monday then I want to schedule and take my real state exam during the remainder of December if possible. I want to select a broker in January. 
I'm so excited about my real estate venture. I feel fine about eating for diabetes now especially since I quit being so obsessive. I am glad I met with that nutritionist who taught me to worry more about carb grams. I don't have to eliminate anything entirely as long as I watch this. However I am also excited to prepare myself for the Yoli 30-day system I should receive in the next week or 2. I suppose it's the perfect new years resolution option. I need to buy shoes. It would be fantastic to hurry up and fit my business wardrobe in my closet in SLC so I can bring/wear it here
Bind Up Their Wounds - Henry B. Eyring
I pray that we may prepare ourselves to give whatever priesthood service the Lord may set before us on our mortal journey. In the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen.
I stayed up late last night which is probably why I fell asleep around 1pm then slept until 5:30. 
I wish our ward was splitting tomorrow but it looks like I'll have to wait at least a couple weeks. I'm sooo ready to meet someone new. What I initially really liked about David is he is intelligent enough for me to feel like I can be myself. It's what I really liked about Rich too. I want to meet someone else that makes me feel that way, that keeps me interested in having a conversation with them. 
I always think I'm too picky BUUUT I want to be happy too. I can usually find someone I can be interested in. Right now I am deep in the Sahara. There are so many men out there. I just need to find one I can be happy with. I just don't want to force myself to feel something.  Of course being a member there is all this added pressure of finding someone who is spiritually strong. Why the hell would I want someone who isn't committed to the gospel when I am. 
I don't want anyone I have to drag anywhere. I keep trying to let up on what I want but every time I try to do that I just end up with the same conclusion that I'd rather be single and wait for the next life than settle for something less than what I know I deserve. I always pray to soften my heart towards someone if I am being ridiculous but it never happens.
Mark isn't smart but he is fine and spiritual BUT he's not missionary-minded or bold enough. When I tried to commit him to AT LEAST asking one of his friends about listening to the discussions he shocked me because he refused to do it. If anything Mark taught me that intelligence is super important. 


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