Thursday, December 26, 2013

2 Nephi 11

And also my soul delighteth in the covenants of the Lord which he hath made to our fathers; yea, my soul delighteth in his grace, and in his justice, and power, and mercy in the great and eternal plan of deliverance from death.

 So my Flex spending account sent me a check so I can pay for my Yoli - 362.36. It is ALSO the amount I need to pay for my Real Estate license. Can I get it and pay for my Yoli later instead of my license later. I think that's alright. I keep praying about it and I feel alright. It actually feels like a blessing. I know it's not really going to affect Kinau financially. He is set financially and having my license will help this process go faster. I still will purchase my Yoli kit. It just won't be now like I thought it would be. It feels like the way is being provided for me. 

The average profit for selling just 1 house is $5000. In the beginning my percentage probably won't be as much thanks to the broker cut. I feel good about this. What a decision.  This is going to help me so much. I need to get insurance for my car. I'm going to look online but I can just go back to my former company again. I need to register my car in January and I can't exactly have a lapse there.

This is my blessing in disguise. I won't have to wait until March. I've finishing this in January!


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