11 And now king Noah was about to release him, for he feared his word; for he feared that the judgments of God would come upon him.
12 But the priests lifted up their voices against him, and began to accuse him, saying: He has reviled the king. Therefore the king was stirred up in anger against him, and he delivered him up that he might be slain.
Much like the crowd mentality that existed when the Son of Man was taken to be crucified, King Noah feared the Lord and did not want to kill Abinadi. If his wicked priests had not stirred him up to anger this would not have happened. Why is the crowd mentality so easily swayed to wickedness. Despite this, we elect our government officials in this fashion BUT the crowd decision is rarely the wise one.
The Moral Force of Women - D. Todd Christofferson
I wish to express gratitude for the influence of good women, identify some of the philosophies and trends that threaten women’s strength and standing, and voice a plea to women to cultivate the innate moral power within them.
A woman’s moral influence is nowhere more powerfully felt or more beneficially employed than in the home. There is no better setting for rearing the rising generation than the traditional family, where a father and a mother work in harmony to provide for, teach, and nurture their children.
As grandmothers, mothers, and role models, women have been the guardians of the wellspring of life, teaching each generation the importance of sexual purity—of chastity before marriage and fidelity within marriage. In this way, they have been a civilizing influence in society; they have brought out the best in men; they have perpetuated wholesome environments in which to raise secure and healthy children.
What I mean to say is that whether you are single or married, whether you have borne children or not, whether you are old, young, or in between, your moral authority is vital, and perhaps we have begun to take it and you for granted.
A pernicious philosophy that undermines women’s moral influence is the devaluation of marriage and of motherhood and homemaking as a career.
The same is true of sexual immorality and of revealing dress that not only debases women but reinforces the lie that a woman’s sexuality is what defines her worth.
A third area of concern comes from those who, in the name of equality, want to erase all differences between the masculine and the feminine.
I love being a girly girl. It's interesting that blurring the lines between masculine and feminine is a concern. I always wanted to be a princess as a little girl and I always loved pretty things. I never wanted to dress up like a witch when I was a little girl. I wanted to be a princess or fairy all the time and my mom fed into that too. I loved Barbie dolls.
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