My Random Blogging Therapy
I woke up at around 9am.-Late but considering I went to bed at 2am too early to rise. I went to Carl's Jr because my kitchen is a mess and I didn't want to cook around that and I didn't want to clean first because although I wasn't hungry I'm trying to eat at scattered times throughout the day instead of waiting until I'm hungry and want to eat EVERYTHING in sight.
I've been cleaning my kitchen and watching videos on Youtube-sooo nice!!! Actually I want to buy my sound system then hook it up to my television. That's one thing I noticed about the dance last night-their sound REALLY sucked. The speaker quality was just bad. I was happy they played stuff from the radio BUT ABSOLUTELY NOOO HIP HOP THE ENTIRE NIGHT NOT EVEN THE TOP 40 STUFF FROM THE RADIO. They played a single waaay old school top 40 hip hop song-Billie Jean and that's when I noticed how much the sound sucked. Funny when they played songs I didn't like I didn't notice. When I had my BBQ I JUST played hip hop. My friend Ele kept asking me to change the music and I kept refusing. NOOO I'm NOOOT going to pass up an opportunity to play music I like when I NEVER get to hear it here on the farm. It is hard to make MJ sound like crap but the DJ did it last night.
The mid-singles committee did a good job. It was well attended and the crepes were alright. After eating at the Crepery I'm just not that enamored with crepes. I have no idea what to take to Sarah's for lunch and our VT lesson after conference. Fritos maybe???!!! She made cornbread last time. I was thinking of rolls but she is eating a non-gluten diet. I really liked her non-gluten corn bread last time. What do people eat with chili besides cornbread? In Hawaii they eat it with rice. Of course they eat EVERYTHING there with rice. I think this is a Google question. What the L did I do before Google???!!!
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