Thursday, March 27, 2014

Bro. and Sis. Keisker are incredible. Sis. Keisker can play the piano and sing well, Bro. Keisker conducted us very well. He and his wife not only are our coordinators, they are talented musically. Bro. Keisker kept giving us all these hints and suggestions and Sis. Keisker can play anything. I think she also speaks Spanish and French well.

I want to serve in the church like that with my husband when I am their age. I had the hardest time finding the chapel. I almost got out at a presbyterian meeting house. It is an old building that doesn't look like a meeting house inside. There is a beautiful art piece inside. It reminded me of the gorgeous stained glass window in the Liberty ward you only really notice from the pulpit. One thing neat about Utah is it is filled with church history.

When I work in the temple each Saturday and then at a choir practice like this it reminds me of when I was a church service missionary at the conference center. Everyone I work with is so much older than me and mostly elderly couples doing church service because they have all this time now. I think we are very fortunate to have the Keiskers right now. Bro. Keisker I think teaches photography at USU.

I can see them serving a mission somewhere and doing a lot of good. They can both lead and direct choirs and Sis. Keisker at least can play the piano for any of the meetings they need someone to help out at. I REALLY want that too someday. What I would love is to have a husband serve as a mission president. I would love the chance to inspire sister missionaries and really all missionaries. I can't think of anything more fun. I want to raise at least some of my children in a mission home.

My mission president was too old to have any children at home but the mission presidents who served in Tonga always came with their families. My classmate also went to Japan with her family for her dad to serve as the mission president of some Japanese mission. My other friend's dad went to Hong Kong with his family to serve as a mission president. The Japanese president was a professor at BYU-Hawaii. The Hong Kong president was a Vice president at BYU. President Shumway was an English professor and then later the mission president in Tonga. I grew up with several of his children. When I attended BYU-Hawaii he was the school president.

I never served a mission then so I wasn't aware of what a blessing missionary work is and how amazing it is to share your testimony with other people. I thought it was neat to move with your family to a foreign country since your dad was going to be the mission president there but really. I had no clue. Serving in the gospel is happiness. I'm not stupid. I believe it when I'm told my greatest joy can be found as I marry my spouse for time and all eternity and then have my children and rear them the way I should. At a basic level it is easy to conceive that we are God's children and no way can we develop characteristics like our father in heaven than through having children and in families. I am so grateful for my family. I love them so much. I feel so fortunate that I was able to get to know my cousin's children as well as I did. I used to tell my cousin Mele I was practicing on her children so I could be a better mother someday. That's true. I love them like they were my own children.

I love my brother's children too but I spent more time with Mele's kids then his. I'm so grateful for my extended family. George is funny. He'd always get jealous when I had pictures of the Rimals because he wanted me to have pictures of his children.

I really don't know why I've been so fortunate BUUUT I am grateful. I don't deserve many of my blessings. AGAIN, I am grateful.


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