Tuesday, March 11, 2014

My Younique presenter kit was sent to the wrong address. I can't do anything about it now and I don't know when I'll receive it again. It REALLY ticks me off. I can use that makeup right now. I'm trying not to buy anything until I receive it BUUUT by  NOOOW I wanted to have pictures posted with me WITH  the mascara so I'd actually HAVE sales. Commission payment is immediate which I ALSO like but can't expect!!! So I like Yoli BUUUT looking it over you have to pay approximately $1000 to BEGIN selling the stuff. NO THANK U!!! I will finish my Real Estate thing first and also do Younique first if I EVER get the stuff. I do however want to continue to use Yoli products.

Moroni 2

The words of Christ, which he spake unto his adisciples, the twelve whom he had chosen, as he laid his hands upon them—
 And he called them by name, saying: Ye shall acall on the Father in my name, in mighty prayer; and after ye have done this ye shall have bpower that to him upon whom ye shall lay your chandsdyeshall give the Holy Ghost; and in my name shall ye give it, for thus do mine apostles.
 Now Christ spake these words unto them at the time of his first appearing; and the multitude heard it not, but the disciples heard it; and on as many as they alaid their hands, fell the Holy Ghost.
That's the entire chapter. 
I am sooo ready for conference. I am overly irritable this morning. I just finished my period so I can't blame this on hormones. Actually I think Yoli helped balance my hormones. I'm going to run out of Alkalete so I need to order more. With my check on the 20th I get to pay some more bills including the utility bill I owe that stupid company where Lisa works. 
Sooo tomorrow is a discussion THAT I get to provide dinner at. Thanks stupid Andrew!!! I know as a missionary you are supposed to provide your home for investigators to hear the discussions at. I did that once for Justin and I had hoped someone else would've stepped up to help provide that AFTER me but no one else did. 
I don't get it. Andrew is less active so I'm not expecting anything from him plus he lives with the Fiefias. Did all the RMs in my ward forget what it's like to serve missions? Did they use their members to help provide fellowshipping? I know in some areas there are no members so maybe I am expecting too much. I am grateful for all the experiences I've had and for my culture that makes things easy that other people consider difficult. 
It is not hard to do this although it is a little irritating. Some of it is fun. I like entertaining for the most part and this isn't very many people. I need to figure out what to do for Krista's shower too. I want to make sure this is a great experience for her especially because her family isn't here to help her.
Be Meek and Lowly of Heart - Ulisses Soares
The Apostle Paul taught that meekness is a fruit of the Spirit.4 Therefore, it can most easily be attained if we “live in the Spirit.”5 And to live in the Spirit, our lifestyle must reflect righteousness before the Lord.
Meekness is vital for us to become more Christlike. Without it we won’t be able to develop other important virtues. Being meek does not mean weakness, but it does mean behaving with goodness and kindness, showing strength, serenity, healthy self-worth, and self-control.
Meekness was one of the most abundant attributes in the Savior’s life. He Himself taught His disciples, “Learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart.”
We are blessed to be born with the seed of meekness in our hearts. We need to understand that it is not possible to grow and develop that seed in the twinkling of an eye but rather through the process of time. Christ asks us to “take up [our] cross daily,”10 meaning that it must be a constant focus and desire.
Another important step to becoming meek is learning how to control our temper. Because the natural man dwells within each one of us and because we live in a world full of pressure, controlling our temper may become one of the challenges in our lives. Think for a few seconds how you react when someone does not comply with your desires the moment you want them to. What about when people disagree with your ideas, even though you are absolutely sure that they represent the proper solution to a problem? What is your response when someone offends you, critiques your efforts, or is simply unkind because he or she is in a bad mood? At these moments and in other difficult situations, we must learn to control our temper and convey our feelings with patience and gentle persuasion. This is most important within our homes and within our relationships with our eternal companions. During the 31 years I’ve been married to my sweetheart, she has often given me gentle reminders of this as we have faced life’s unsettling challenges.
President Henry B. Eyring once said, “When we with faith control our tempers and subdue our pride, the Holy Ghost gives His approval, and sacred promises and covenants become sure.”14
Another step to attain meekness is to become humble. The Lord instructed Thomas B. Marsh through the Prophet Joseph Smith, saying, “Be thou humble; and the Lord thy God shall lead thee by the hand, and give thee answer to thy prayers.”
I testify to you that, thanks to His love, it is possible to change. It is possible to leave our weaknesses behind. It is possible to reject the evil influences in our lives, control our anger, become meek, and develop the attributes of our Savior. 
I looove this talk because it gives me hope that I can overcome this crippling weakness in my life. It is such a constant challenge for me. It's easy for me to lash out at people, to be unkind and impatient with others. I am so grateful for the scriptures and for these beautiful talks I can visit daily. I am a witch now, I often wonder how bad I'd be without the gospel, probably a b with a capitol B. I have so little patience and that's WITH reading my scriptures and listening to a conference daily AND prayers AND striving to do better. If I didn't care and didn't at least try, life would be horrible. Whatever did I do to become so lucky? 
I'm meeting with Erika this Friday. That's what I wanted to see if Trish could transition to doing. Andrew can meet Trish Wednesday and then directly introduce his friend in the North to her instead of going through me. 


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