My Random Blogging Therapy
I was WIDE AWAKE at 3 am then I FINALLY went to bed. I still don't get why my visit last night BUT I'm pretty sure it has something to do with my friend. They didn't say anything or do anything to give me that impression it's just a feeling I have. Women are filled with ulterior motives even if I do think these are some of the best in the ward. The BEST in my opinion is Jenny UHarriet and I LOVE that she has a serious boyfriend AND has a lot in common with me because I will never mistrust her motives. It's very sad that I am so suspicious this way BUT I've just been burned too many times. J & J are very good people and I think they are sincere, I just don't trust them. I feel like they want to gather information from me rather than just want to be my friend. I'm probably wrong BUT it doesn't matter if I feel that way.
It was very kind of them to visit BECAUSE I didn't go to the last ward temple night or FHE? UH I WAS WORKING!!! That is unusual and will never happen again. They just needed to inquire AND I'm sure I've been to more temple nights and FHEs than either of them. Perhaps it was because I didn't go to any of the recent ward unofficial activities Jonni is always organizing? Yeah the RS presidency sets up visits so I get to see women who DON'T come to church let alone ANY activities. Bryan knows how I feel about working Mondays and Wednesday. The only reason why this happened is he was on vacation. Next Module I'll work late Tuesday or Thursday NOT Monday or Wednesday.
I'm excited for the Appeals committee to meet next week. I still can't believe I was accused of plagiarism. It doesn't matter how much experience or degrees I rack up my intelligence will ALWAYS be questioned. My EXTREMELY Polynesian name will prompt people to jump to conclusions and make horrible assumptions when a little research could prevent that.
I hope they meet quickly and decide quickly that I deserve an A!!! Whatever happens it'll end with this. I have no other recourse and frankly I'm tired of having to fight all the time. Bitter bat??? NOT without good reason. People might think I'm obsessive about being "oppressed" BUT I have friends that REALLY are. They have no idea!!!
Krista is oblivious to all that BUT I'm not. She is graduating with her MBA. She is here doing graduate work in a foreign country. She drives, pays her bills, has moved several times IN this foreign country. That is AMAZING!!! Still I observe people treating her like she is stupid. There are many people who are slow in our ward. Even though I have talked to my bishop specifically about this I still feel he thinks I'm either stupid or NOT spiritual enough. REALLY???!!! I have NOOO energy left for that either. The last time I talked to him I feel like he just wanted me to move away. I'm NOT making that up.
Jonni asked me if I still go skating. Instead of telling her NOOO I've managed my money badly and don't like seeing it leave me to go to the Fun Park even if it is cheaper now, I told her I am in my head. I don't really want people to go skating with me OR to tell me how admirable it is-this is something I do because I love it and not for ANYONE else. Why do they even want to go skating with me?
2 Nephi 3
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