Monday, June 8, 2015


After Zumba we got to take home otai and isite keke. Rupi Sinai's mom brought enough keke and otai for the entire class. It was sooo good. I haven't had isite keke in sooo long. It takes me back to growing up at Liahona. The dorm mom Luisa Kongaika would always sell keke from her house right near the girls dorm. It was delicious and addicting.

I am going to take a shower then get ready for the day and my BBQ which isn't until tonight at 6pm. I hope annoying comes. Steve, Annette and Heidi are all coming which should be interesting. It will be nice to see him again. At first I was happy when I saw he and Heidi's pictures from going to some sort of trapeze thing. It looks like so much fun and I want him to actually be interested in someone and pursue her because he seems to keep women in general at a distance and allows himself to get to know them to a point then he backs off.

I am glad I didn't get to know him well enough to develop lasting feelings for him. Several women are into him and that's just from my ward. Who knows how many fans he has in the other wards. He reminds me a lot of annoying that way although he is very smooth. I don't have any bad feelings for him and I only wish him the best.

I hope annoying comes tonight. I just want to be cordial with him. I had so much spiritual guidance in and around him right from when I barely met him. I feel like I know him a lot better than I should. I want to be open to something between us because of that but I don't want to hang out with him just as his friend. I think it's either something or nothing however I want to at least be able to say hello to him and find out how he's doing if I find myself in the same room with him. I felt so immature after I saw him at that pi party but I really didn't know what to say or how it would be received if I said anything. We're supposed to bring our own food??? I'm not sure exactly how that works. I suppose I'll find out. I'm not sure what to take. I could make some spam musubi but really anything and I don't actually know.


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