My Random Blogging Therapy
I added my friend Mata on Facebook. He was my best friend at the Y. He is really old right now but I'm not sure exactly how old and he doesn't like to talk about it either. He was a model when I met him and dressed to kill. He was so much fun ... BUT... he DEFINITELY had a gay vibe. He is very tall and he used to be thin too although not too skinny like most of my friends who fell into that mode were. We both loved clothes and going out and decking out. Find a friend who enjoys shopping, dressing up AND going dancing AND is Tongan and I had a blast my freshman year at the Y. I met and hung out with his sisters too. Mata and his family are like family to me although I haven't been close to him for a long time. He had a friend who owned a boutique and he produced a fashion show for her at Utah Valley University. He had me MC. It was a blast. Three of our friends modeled in the show for him.
While he finished an undergraduate degree at BYU-Hawaii he never finished his graduate degree at the U. He lives and works in LA now. I last saw him when he was in grad school. While we were still friends and did stuff together sometimes it wasn't like before. We were struggling students at the Y. That should've stopped when we went to grad school. Before my mission I thought his testimony was fine. That's only because I didn't know any better. Spiritually I didn't like where he was at.
I asked him outright if he was gay and he asked me what that had to do with our friendship. He was right. It shouldn't have anything to do with it. So I quit asking.
He hung out a lot with my cousin which was fine but I didn't like that he asked her for money. I ALSO didn't like that he talked to her about what she should do with her husband. I wanted her to talk to her bishop or no one. I didn't like where he was spiritually when I returned from my mission. The gospel is the center of my life. It isn't looking good, shopping or going out all the time. Mata was an RM when I met him. After my mission I either spent time with like-minded individuals or no one.
I like people to live life deliberately, to be conscious of how their choices shape them continuously. We have to choose how we will live. We have so many choices and it is only through working on these things, setting goals, adjusting these as needed BUT continually progressing to become the amazing children of our father-in-heaven who is also our Heavenly King who we revere and should live to become like him.
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