Saturday, June 28, 2014

Temple Morning

I got there just in the nick of time. I still made it just fine to prayer meeting. I worked the name issue twice with one lady who looks very old who has worked in the temple for 19 1/2 years. She is from Wellsville originally and has lived in Cache Valley her entire life but mostly in Logan with her husband. She told me Wellsville was originally settled by a polygamist family with 3 wives. She told me she's from one of them. YES she's probably related to Curtis somehow. She told me I was very pretty. That was nice although she has some interesting notions about Polys.

The news does a great job of publicizing the abhorrent gang activity when Pacific Islander gangs represent a negligible percentage of this. Why not focus on the White and Mexican gangs. Anapesi had some statistics that make the media coverage ridiculous. There are also Asian gangs but their activity is similarly ridiculous to report. Tongans, Samoans and Polys in general have intimidating physical statures. This is probably why they are ridiculous media targets. This lady's uncle served a mission to Tonga long ago with his wife. He finished his mission despite losing his wife there. Following his mission he paid a significant amount of money to ship her body here. I don't get that at all. My uncle who lives in Hawaii really wanted to ship my dad's body to Hawaii. Of course that's when my brother and mother still lived there. I am grateful they didn't do that especially since they both moved to Utah. They just couldn't leave me alone!

I love my father very much and it is a good thing to visit his grace ocassionally BUUUT I will NEVER be like some of my Tongan relatives who visit the graves of their loved ones on a regular basis. Why and what the hell for???!!! We ALL have the gospel. We know they are certainly not at their graves so what is the purpose of that. I can remember them without ever visiting their graves.

I saw this Tongan lady Siu in initiatories today. I worked there twice. It was nice to see her there. She was crying because the dates of some of the names were from the 1800s and they had waited so long to have their work done. Earlier some lady asked me if sometimes I felt like the people accepted the work on the other side. She and Siu made me think. When I do temple work I love thinking about all the promises and blessings I am receiving. Both of these women reminded me that temple work is being done for real people and not just for my benefit although technically I know that. And that is the only thing dangerous about working in the temple. It is sacred and significant. It is the most holy place on earth we can feel our Savior's love and presence. I have to always keep the privilege it is for me to perform these ordinances precious and fresh. Becoming jaded about the temple is NOOOT cool. I need it regularly but since I work there I have to make the effort and give it the reverence it demands all the time.

I met this other lady who isn't as old as the lady from Wellsville but she has worked at the temple over 23 years. She is from Logan but has lived for the most part in River Heights. My apartment is right at the edge of Providence AND River Heights. I love my location. Sister Henrie sent me an email reminding me to bring cookies tomorrow for Linger Longer.

I wonder what's wrong with my car. There is a Mateaki BBQ with my extended family on the 4th in Salt Lake City. I'm not driving with my car like this. I haaate that check engine light. It feels alright now that I don't run the AC. The Ford dealer guy told me it probably wasn't the compressor. When my alternator was bad the AC quit working first. I get paid on the 4th since the 5h is Saturday. Actually maybe I'll get paid on the 3rd because of the holiday. I need to check my account. I'm so glad I paid my rent on my last check. I hope my car repairs aren't too extensive. This check is supposed to eliminate my bills and let me have an EXCESS. Why do things like this keep happening all the time?

Regardless I'm happy I paid my rent and $100 for August too. I'd like to pay more of August with this check and not be scrimping so much. I need to return to buying and eating healthy food all the time.


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