Sunday, January 26, 2014

Ether 1

 41 Go to and gather together thy flocks, both male and female, of every kind; and also of the seed of the earth of every kind; and thyfamilies; and also Jared thy brother and his family; and also thyfriends and their families, and the friends of Jared and their families.

What am I missing? It can't be an accident that Noah had to do something similar. What are the metaphorical applications and implications? Each gather male and female of every species and then plants and insects too. I don't get the significance.

Like a Broken Vessel - Jeffrey R. Holland
This was the talk we discussed in Relief Society today. It's weird this is the theme my life has taken in the past week or 2. I know these are real problems and I don't think they're silly problems only people with too much time on their hands face. My current opinion is that everyone experiences these but many don't recognize or identify them as such.

PMS had me on edge so much it was ridiculous. I felt every negative thing in the world and I kept dwelling on it. I felt like I was unraveling and left with crazy. I needed to experience this to have compassion on most people who feel depressed and don't know how to love themselves. I don't know why that isn't a problem for me. I love myself and I am very happy with the person I am despite my many weaknesses. 

However bewildering this all may be, these afflictions are some of the realities of mortal life, and there should be no more shame in acknowledging them than in acknowledging a battle with high blood pressure or the sudden appearance of a malignant tumor.
But today I am speaking of something more serious, of an affliction so severe that it significantly restricts a person’s ability to function fully, a crater in the mind so deep that no one can responsibly suggest it would surely go away if those victims would just square their shoulders and think more positively—though I am a vigorous advocate of square shoulders and positive thinking!

It is so comforting to me to know that everyone is susceptible to these feelings. I am grateful for the experiences I've had recently that made it clear to me that people do experience things that are tough emotionally and these are very real trials people have. Just because for the most part it hasn't been my experience doesn't mean it isn't real. 

I can be so judgmental. I hope I can be a strength to my friends who need it and not someone that just brings them down. 
n any case we have all taken courage from those who, in the words of the Prophet Joseph, “search[ed] … and contemplate[d] the darkest abyss” 3and persevered through it—not the least of whom were Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, and Elder George Albert Smith, the latter being one of the most gentle and Christlike men of our dispensation, who battled recurring depression for some years before later becoming the universally beloved eighth prophet and President of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Fatigue is the common enemy of us all—so slow down, rest up, replenish, and refill.
Trust in God. Hold on in His love. Know that one day the dawn will break brightly and all shadows of mortality will flee. Though we may feel we are “like a broken vessel,” as the Psalmist says, 10 we must remember, that vessel is in the hands of the divine potter. Broken minds can be healed just the way broken bones and broken hearts are healed. While God is at work making those repairs, the rest of us can help by being merciful, nonjudgmental, and kind.
I remember when I was recovering in the hospital from my brain injury. I asked my father in heaven to please let me maintain my mind because I couldn't think of anything more horrible than going crazy. The scriptures talk about us as intelligences. That is huge. That is extremely significant.  


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