My Random Blogging Therapy
I am sleepy this morning. I got up early but my kitchen was bugging me so I cleaned it instead of doing Zumba before work. I can't wait to start Yoli. Everything I keep reading on my Yoli Facebook forum is great. It provides supplements and nutrition meant to alkalize your body and help you lose weight. A diabetic filmed and posted his amazing experience with Yoli. I like the plan because it is very similar to how I'm eating now anyway. The only difference is the supplementation. MANY people keep writing how amazing they feel.I had spinach broccoli and egg salad sandwich mix for my first meal at 7am. I'm eating spinach, broccoli, cheese and some deli turkey for my 10:30 meal then I'm having the same thing at 1pm. I ordered a burger and garlic fries at Elements yesterday and it tasted great then BUUUT then an hour after that I felt bloated like the Michelan man only it felt like fat instead of tires.
I figured my blood sugar would be high this morning since I munched on a burger and fries yesterday. I ate some nuts at the Henrie's house while everyone else consumed brownies and ice-cream. This morning it was 209 so I'm going to be super strict now until my new Yoli program. Yesterday was my own version of carb-cycling. BS is 148 now. I want to keep bringing it down today by eating broccoli and spinach at every meal.
The Best Time to Plant a Tree - Dieter F. Uctdorf
I know this isn't a conference talk BUUUT my home teachers are slacking because Jeff isn't my home teacher anymore. Amanda's boyfriend Anthony is my new home teacher along with Rich who has a girlfriend. So do these men think when they have girlfriends they should cease performing their calling? They both need to get married so someone who actually knows how to perform his calling can visit me. It reveals your true character if you do this. I had a room mate once who was a slob at home. She always told me when she got married she would be clean. I finally told her one day when she got married she would remain a slob. You don't suddenly change who you are just because you get married. That is ridiculous. Rich knows better. Anthony is just returning to activation in the church. I'm not interested in Jeff and he's not interested in me BUUUT he was still a faithful home teacher and the ONLY reason why Josh visited me. NOOOT that I didn't continue to give him lots of opportunities to do that.
I don't abuse my home teachers. Some women in singles wards ask for blessings when REALLY in my opinion they just want to have that moment with the guy they ask to give them the blessing. If my brother is around he is who is going to give me a blessing. I don't mess with the priesthood that way. Sister missionaries would do that a lot too. It was annoying and unnecessary to me for the most part. I will ALWAYS ask my home teachers first if I need something just to give them the opportunity to do it BUUUT when they act like this I have to force myself to do it AND if I know I can't rely on them I will ALWAYS ask other people too.
My friend that I wanted to rip last time wrote something extremely complimentary on my Facebook page with the new picture I posted. It is very kind HOWEVER I STILL don't want to hang out with her or the other annoying girl in my ward. She gets extremely emotional whenever she shares her testimony. That's fine, when I did have dinner with a girl I visit taught she was there too. She started talking about this non-member guy who had a girlfriend but that she was seeing him too on the sly. He bought a car for her and a laptop. I told her EXACTLY what I thought about that but then there was no reasoning with her AT ALL. She feels heavenly father led her there. MAYBE BUT he doesn't want her seeing a nonmember and he certainly doesn't want her seeing him while he has a girlfriend that doesn't know about her or that she doesn't really spend time with because it is on the down low. Why she or the other girl keep trying to hang out with me and seem to want to be my friend so badly is truly annoying. Either of them make me feel like someone's running their fingernails down a chalkboard.
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