My Random Blogging Therapy
I have seen that as a counselor to two living prophets of God. They areindividuals with unique personalities. Yet they seem to share a consistentoptimism. When someone raises an alarm about something in the Church,their most frequent response is “Oh, things will work out.” They generallyknow more about the problem than the people sounding the alarm.
After all we can do in faith, the Lord will justify our hopes for greaterblessings for our families than we can imagine. He wants the best forthem and for us, as His children.
I like the consistent optimism of living prophets especially when I've felt so negative. I am feeling psychotic and I really hate that. I looked in my directory to find out who the sole fine boy in my ward is and I finally found him. His name is Curtis and he shares the characteristics of many guys from my past. He is way too skinny. I'm not sure why that is something I always end up with. He isn't tall though. Skinny usually accompanies the tall thing. I like how he dresses. His picture in our directory is pretty dark. I found him on Facebook and he is gorgeous. He could be a model. The skinny thing makes it so he could pass for gay. I don't know what my trip with that is but that is also a characteristic from my past. He loves country music so his music taste sucks to me. He is from Wellsville and lives there meaning he probably lives at home still.
He attended Bridgerland after high school at Mountaincrest in Hyrum and he works as a drafter/designer for some local architect firm. I think he just turned 31 and was engaged as recently as last year but something happened. He is pretty active in the ward at least but I couldn't really gage his spiritual state. I can tell we are going to get along really well in a number of things but they're usually the things that attract me to people who are rarely strong in the church.
I just realized I didn't pay my auto insurance that was due Sunday. I could've paid it Friday. That is what I planned. Now I need to run to the bank, take out some cash and pay the thing.
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