Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Figuring this out

Why am I so mad at the avoidance thing? I knew it was happening for awhile and I actually don't want to have anything to do with him BUT just thinking about it Sunday and all that it meant made me mad. I don't want to see him flirting with the world which he is going to do BUUUT it is very insulting that he can't stand being around me and will avoid me at all costs.

I know that's not fair. I'm not going to like anything he does because we're not dating and that's what I want. I REALLY need to meet someone new. He doesn't like it when I express undue interest in anyone else either but he's not doing a damn thing.

I've stayed away from my coworker downstairs because I feel like slaying him verbally. I need to remain calm and make Sharla's party the success it can be.


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